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17 years since UNSC resolution 1244 came into force (Telegrafi)

On 10 June 1999, then NATO Secretary General Javier Solana had issued the order for ending airstrikes of Serbian forces and the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1244 which enabled deployment of 37,200 KFOR troops from 36 countries. Solana’s decision came after the signing of the Kumanovo agreement between NATO and then Yugoslavia on 9 June 1999 which then entered into force on 11 June 1999. KFOR was split into five areas of responsibility: American, British, French, German, and Italian.

Kosovo government plays two cards in relations with UNMIK (Koha)

The Kosovo government continues to play two cards when it comes to cooperating with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). Last year, the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs tried to give UNMIK a role in speeding up the application procedures for Kosovo’s eventual membership of the UNESCO. The paper has learned that the position of heads of Kosovo institutions is to avoid meetings with UNMIK officials as much as possible. “However, only in February, UNMIK chief [Zahir Tanin] has met three ministers of the Kosovo government.

"EU trying to force Serbia to give up on Kosovo" (B92, KIM radio, TV Most)

Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said that there has been no specific progress after the Belgrade-Pristina agreement on normalization of relations.

He also said that a majority in the EU was trying to force Belgrade to abandon its position on the Kosovo issue, "step by step, in negotiations for EU membership."

"UNMIK for the improvement of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" (KIM radio)

Together with the EU and other partners, UNMIK is committed to improving dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on all levels, from the central government to civil society, said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin.

At the regular meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Kosovo, Zahir Tanin said that the cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Kosovo authorities has declined over the last year.

Dacic to attend UNSC meeting on UN Chief's Kosovo report (B92)

A regular meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Kosovo will be held in New York on Monday.

Serbia will be represented by the country's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

The session will discuss the latest report of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, and the situation there over the previous three-month period.

The report is expected to be presented by UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin.

Kosovo in UN through back door (Vecernje Novosti)

From the beginning of 2016, Pristina is preparing to launch a serious campaign for the admission of Kosovo in the UN, quoted sources from diplomatic circles. However, in that case Kosovo will face with insurmountable obstacle, reflected in Russian and the probable Chinese veto. The only thing which Pristina can do in order to enter East River is candidacy for permanent observer of non-member state, or the status by which the Palestine was received in UN, three years ago.

Dacic will attend UNSC session on Kosovo (Blic)

The UN Security Council will discuss tomorrow in New York the new report of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Kosovo. Serbia will be presented at the session by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. On this occasion Dacic will present the Serbia’s assessment about the current situation in Kosovo and on UNMIK activities.

Vučić will meet Putin on Thursday (Politika)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will meet on Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Although, Russian Ambassador in Belgrade Alexander Chepurin  said there was no official announcement on Vucic's meeting with Putin - because "meetings at that level are announced only a day or two in advance," Vucic’s cabinet confirmed that the meeting is scheduled for Thursday.

Selimi: UNMIK, zero competences in Kosovo (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, told Radio Kosova that Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, during the United Nations Security Council meeting today will report on Kosovo’s successes and will require the closure of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).  “Today the Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci during the UNSC meeting will call on the UN not to spend money on its mission in Kosovo because the situation has improved, and that seven years after independence, Kosovo is governed by its legitimate institutions,” he s