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90 polling stations in Kosovo for the Serbia's presidential elections (Blic)

The Republic Electoral Commission announces that on April 2nd, for the Serbian presidential elections, in Kosovo would be open 90 polling stations and 53 abroad.

REC made the decision on the number of polling stations on the basis of notifications of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Đurić: Formation of Armed Forces of Kosovo will not happen, and it is a great success of Serbia (Blic)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said that the formation of security forces of Kosovo will not happen, as announced by Hashim Thaçi, and stated that it was an undoubted diplomatic success of Serbia.

Đurić recalled on the statement of Stoltenberg in which he opposed the way of establishing of armed forces of Kosovo and which directed Pristina to the continuation of the talks with Belgrade.

Kosovo the largest recipient of the US aid in Balkans (KIM radio, Blic)

United States of America have the largest and most expansive program of foreign aid in the world, with an annual budget of up to $ 50 billion.

More than 18 billion of the budget goes for the economic development, often called the humanitarian aid, while $ 8.1 billion goes for the help to strengthen the security.

Kosovo is the largest recipient of US aid in the Balkans. In 2016 this aid amounted to 30 million dollars.

Vučić, Nikolić, Mustafa and Thaçi on a dinner (Blic)

The dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina under the auspices of the European Union (EU) continues today in Brussels, with the participation of presidents and prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia.

In the new round of dialogue that had been scheduled by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. The President and the Prime Minister of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić, the President and Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi and Isa Mustafa will be present.

Janjić: Belgrade and Pristina to declare whether the dialogue will be continued (Blic)

Political analyst Dušan Janjić believes that during the dialogue, scheduled at the highest level in Brussels for tomorrow, both sides should clarify their attitudes about whether the dialogue will continue to be challenged or will be continued.

Janjić told Beta that there is no information on an agenda for the meeting, suggesting that the next round will be different from all previous.

No confirmation from Vučić on alleged dismissal of Đurić; only ''bravo'' for the media in Kosovo (B92, Blic)

The Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić ironically congratulated the media from Kosovo who reported that he allegedly signed the dismissal of Marko Đurić.

Asked by reporters B92 in Davos on whether it is true that the head of the Office for KiM will be replaced, the prime minister did not give a negative or a positive answer, but said:

Vučić forbid ministers and government officials to make comments on developments in the region (Blic)

Today's edition of daily Blic reports unofficially that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has banned all the ministers, state officials and civil servants to comment on developments in the region.

Vučić has brought this decision due to the events in Kosovo and the train, which was supposed to run on the line Belgrade - Mitrovica, in order to move towards calming the situation in the region, and not towards further escalation of the situation.

New evidence against Ramush Haradinaj (Blic)

Serbian investigators in the supplement to the investigation of war crimes charged Ramush Haradinaj for another 13 victims, including children, Blic reports.

Although he was tried in The Hague for a period in 1998, the majority of the witnesses, according to the assessment of the Court and the Prosecutor's Office, was intimidated and did not testify. Many witnesses were killed.