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Bieber and Judah on Grenell's appointment: Not a good sign (B92)

Serbian media quoted Balkan experts Florian Bieber and Tim Judah, who expressed surprise at the announced appointment of Richard Grenell as special envoy for negotiations.

Professor at the University of Grazz, Bieber wondered what the role of Matthew Palmer was, the recently appointed US Secretary of State's Special Representative for the Balkans.

"If Trump appoints Richard Grenell as special envoy for Serbia and Kosovo, what than is the role of Matthew Palmer?" Bieber wrote on Twitter.

Nebojsa Covic for TV Prva: "New Kosovo elite - distancing from the crime" (B92)

Former head of the Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic points out that forthcoming elections are overture for a new Kosovo political elite.

He told Prva TV in the morning program that the BBC's prognosis was realistic and that four parties would enter Kosovo Parliament - Isa Mustafa's Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Albin Kurti's Vetëvendosje, Hashim Thaci's Democratic Party of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj's Alliance for the Future of Kosovo.

Council of Europe discusses ROSU intrusion into northern Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

On behalf of the Serbian Parliament delegation, Dubravka Filipovski stressed that Serbia strongly supports fight against corruption and organized crime

At the meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg, an exchange of views was held on the intrusion of ROSU members into northern Kosovo in May and the arrest of two UNMIK officers.

Vucic and Zeman on the possibility of withdrawing Kosovo recognition (B92, Tanjug)

President Vucic told members of the Visegrad Group that a compromise solution for Kosovo is the only possible path for the future of the entire Western Balkans

Vucic stressed at a press conference that he cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country, or even in the decision on a possible change of attitude regarding the status of the so-called Kosovo.

Serbs face stark and brutal discrimination, says Director of the office for KiM (RTS, B92, KIM radio, RTK2)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said Serbs face stark and brutal discrimination ahead of Kosovo elections.

He pointed out that the only way to combat discrimination is to achieve a massive turnout in the October 6th elections.

Djuric told RTS that the Serbian List was forbidden to say "Serbia is calling," and others are not punished for saying that "Serbian List is a monster."

Odalovic: I do not rule out new provocations aimed at Kosovo Serbs (RTS, B92, Tanjug)

Foreign Ministry Secretary General Veljko Odalovic said today that Pristina is panic-stricken and does not rule out new provocations and problems for Serbs

Odalovic told Radio television of Serbia (RTS) this morning that it is evident that Albanians cannot calculate and manipulate the Serbian List, so they try in other ways.

Russian FM Lavrov: United States make efforts to revise Brussels agreement (TASS, B92, Tanjug)

Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov says that United States intend to revise Brussels agreement, in part related to Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), TASS reported, Serbian media is quoting.

In that way, the US is trying to "pull Kosovo into NATO" and keep its military base there.

Vucic's invitation to the Visegrad Group summit is a precedent, sending clear message (Blic, Politika, B92)

Belgrade based daily Blic writes on the importance of Czech President Milos Zeman invitation to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to participate in Visegrad Group Summit.

Daily considers that the invitation was "a kind of precedent" and added that, "as a rule, these meetings do not discuss topics on which participants have divergent views, Kosovo could be a topic".

Pacolli: Haradinaj is stubborn, all the others would abolish tariffs on Serbian goods (KTV, B92, Beta)

Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Behgjet Pacolli said that any other politician elected for the new Prime Minister would abolish tariffs, except Ramush Haradinaj.

"I repeat, winner of the election, the future prime minister who says he will keep the tariffs, is lying. I exclude Haradinaj from this because I know him as stubborn and when he fixates on something, you cannot change a thing. He does not change his position easily," Pacolli told KTV, quotes Belgrade based agency Beta.

Serbian President Vucic: "Parastate terrorizes and persecutes the Serbian List, only 'Serbia' is a forbidden word" (B92, RTS, N1, Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has called on Serbs in Kosovo, internally displaced and expelled to exercise their rights and vote for the Serbian List.

He stated that in this way they would thwart the attempts to manipulate the Serbian electoral will.

In a statement to Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), Vucic said that the Serbian List was experiencing real political terror and persecution, organized by the organs of the so-called parastate, supported by some in the international community.