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Ivanovic’s murder was recorded, prosecutors await examination (RTK)

Kosovo investigators have taken for examination the recordings of the security cameras that were in the street where the attack on the Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic occurred.

Two from the cameras, were placed on the SDP headquarters, where the former Kosovo official was heading to at the time he was gunned down by six bullets on his chest with a “Zastava” gun, by a still not identified person.

Vucic to visit Kosovo, police continue investigating Ivanovic murder (Prishtina Insight)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic plans to visit Kosovo on Saturday; meanwhile, Kosovo Police investigate the origin and ownership of a car used by Oliver Ivanovic’s assassins.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is expected to come to Kosovo this Saturday following the killing of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic on Tuesday morning.

Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government’s office for Kosovo, announced Vucic’s visit on RTS, the Serbian national broadcaster,

Threats to Slain Kosovo Serb Leader Were Ignored (Balkan Insight)

Oliver Ivanovic, shot dead on Tuesday in the northern Kosovo town of Mitrovica, had reported numerous threats, and had sought the help of both the Serbian and Kosovo authorities – but was ignored.

Oliver Ivanovic, who was shot dead in front of his office in Mitrovica on Tuesday, had several times said he and his family had received threats, and had asked Kosovo, Serbia and others for help – but without any result.

“They did all they could to me, except shoot me – but even that is not excluded,” Ivanovic said in November on N1 regional television.

PM talks about "atmosphere of threats" preceding murder (B92, Radio Free Europe)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says that her government will provide any possible assistance in investigating the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, B92 reports.

In an interview for Radio Free Europe in the wake of the killing of the Serb politician in Kosovo, Brnabic pointed out that if Serbia was not allowed to participate in the investigation, it would launch one of its own.

Citizens in Mitrovica North pay tribute to Oliver Ivanovic, Bishop Teodosije served requiem (Novosti, KIM Radio)

Since yesterday afternoon many citizens of Mitrovica North but also from central Serbia pay tribute to Oliver Ivanovic, Vecernje Novosti daily reports today.

Oliver Ivanovic will be buried on Thursday in Belgrade, at 12.30 in the Alley of Great Citizens at Belgrade cemetery and a transport will be organized from Mitrovica North for those wishing to attend his funeral. The same day will be declared as a day of mourning in Mitrovica North municipality, Vecernje Novosti daily further reports.

Citizens and opposition leaders in Serbia pay tribute to Ivanovic (Serbian media)

Today, in northern Mitrovica, thousands of citizens have escorted Oliver Ivanovic on his last trip from Kosovo. The column of people from both sides of the street stretched from the center to the exit from the city, reports Serbian media.

Shops in northern Mitrovica were closed. Both young and old have attended, reports Kontakt plus radio.

Drecun: To ask Veseli and Washington (FoNet, Danas, RTV, Tanjug, RTS)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun said the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder should go in two directions, toward Kardi Veseli and Washington, Serbian media widely covered.

Drecun said the current investigation shows it is about a well-planned and unfortunately efficiently carried out brutal murder of Oliver Ivanovic, and according to him professionals were involved.

Lazarevic: Verbal attacks drew a target on Ivanovic's forehead (N1)

The editor of KoSSev portal from northern Mitrovica, Tanja Lazarevic, told TV N1 in a Show Pressing that she does not want to politicize the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, nor to speculate on who could stand behind this act, but points out that northern Mitrovica has become a dangerous place for life in the last four years and that the SDP leader was subjected to terrible verbal attacks.

Vlajic: Joint investigation theoretically possible (Danas)

Cooperation between Serbian and Kosovo investigative bodies is theoretically possible, but it is necessary to have a political agreement beforehand, a lawyer and a close friend of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, Nebojsa Vlajic told Danas daily.

“If there is no political will from both sides, then this cooperation will not happen,” Vlajic said.

He is not an optimist when it comes to a swift resolution of the murder case, adding he is trying to realistically look into the efficiency of the Kosovo police.

Djuric: Kosovo dialogue on hold until Ivanovic's killer is found (BETA, B92)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says the dialogue in Brussels will not continue until it is found out who killed Oliver Ivanovic.

The dialogue will not continue until we get the answer to who killed Oliver Ivanovic. What kind dialogue?," Djuric, who left the technical level talks in Brussels along with the Belgrade delegation after the Serb politician was gunned down in Kosovska Mitrovica, said on Tuesday.