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Odalovic: Hahn will ask Pristina to give up provocations (RTS)

Veljko Odalovic, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the RTS News, that the arrival of Johannes Hahn is very important as well as talks both in Belgrade and Pristina. He says that the talk with the representatives of Pristina is important because, as he says, ''they forgot that there are Serbs in those institutions as well. "

Protests of Serbs and blockades due to Pristina's moves (RTS)

In several Serb communities in Kosovo, one-hour protests against "police and political terror in Pristina" were held. Serbian List Vice President Igor Simic said that the Serbs sent a message that they wanted to live peacefully and dignifiedly.

Protests were held in Rudare, at the cross in the municipality of Zvecan, at the Jarinje crossing in the municipality of Leposavic, at the Brnjak crossing and in the place Zupce in the municipality of Zubin Potok.

Jevtic calls for peace and restraint (RTS)

Serbian List Deputy Chair, Dalibor Jevtic called for peace and restraint.

Speaking for RTS morning program Jevtic said the aim of the Serbs is not conflict but a stable situation.

Jevtic stressed that those who gave the order and killers of Oliver Ivanovic should be found, but it is “an interesting moment” that ROSU units have chosen to carry out the action.

Jevtic reminded that taxes on goods from central Serbia are increased by 100 percent, and that Serbs announced peaceful protest over that measure.

RTS: Crisis Staff meeting of the four municipalities in the North at 10 am

In a live broadcast, Radio Television Serbia reports on the announcements of blockades in the town of Rudare in the municipality of Zvecan, closure of the administrative crossing of Jarinje in the municipality of Leposavic, and that the leadership of the municipality of Zubin Potok made a decision on closing all shops from 12 to 13 hours, and to block the Brnjak crossing, as well as the main road in the village of Zupce.

Drecun: “Indicator of possible new violent actions of Pristina in north” (RTS, Tanjug, B92)

Intrusion and arrests that Kosovo police ROSU members carried out this morning in Mitrovca North is a dangerous move, that deteriorates the situation, Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told RTS.

He added, this could be an indicator of new possible violent actions of Pristina in the north of Kosovo. “This is a dangerous, unilateral act by Pristina, that deteriorates the situation and raises tensions,” Drecun said.

ROSU arrested Serbs in north, shootings, sirens heard (B92, TV Prva, RTS)

Kosovo special police units, ROSU, early this morning entered Mitrovica North and arrested three persons, B92 reports. The media also added shootings were heard, and the sirens were on.
Dragisa Markovic (Kosovo police member), Sasa Curcic and Milos Rosic are arrested, according to the Serbian media. Following the police action, citizens gathered at Mitrovica North main square.
Meanwhile, RTS reported that 4 Serbs were arrested, two of them Kosovo police members, and that they are sent to the police station in Mitrovica South.

EU wants an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina to be reached during next year (RTS, Tanjug)

The European Union will do everything in order that an agreement is reached next year on the overall normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, Belgrade-based news agency Tanjug reports, citing diplomatic sources in Brussels.

"We will do everything in the year that has remained to achieve a comprehensive normalization of relations, but we are not the only ones of whom this depends," diplomatic sources in Brussels told Tanjug.

Simic: Decision to keep EMS in Kosovo a great relief for Serbs (RTS)

The decision of the European Energy Agency on the Elektromreza Srbije (Electric network of Serbia) to remain a part of the energy system in Kosovo has brought great relief to the Serbs in Kosovo, says Deputy of the Serbian List Igor Simic.

Simic told in the RTS News that energy independence and security of citizens and economy in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo is of huge importance.

Kosovo Customs begins implementing the decision on additional tax on Serbian goods (RTS)

Radio Television Serbia reports that Adriatik Stavileci, Kosovo customs spokesman told the media in Pristina that Kosovo Customs Service has begun to apply the decision of the Kosovo government on additional taxation of 10 percent for imports of products from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Stavileci say that this is a volume of goods worth hundreds of millions of euros during the year.