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Vukcevic: Dick Marty's report is remarkable (TV Prva, B92, RTV Puls)

One of the former KLA commanders, Rustem Mustafa-Remi should be one of the first to be questioned before the Special Prosecutor's Office.

Former Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic told Belgrade based TV Prva that he is satisfied that the prosecution started working, and that it was founded because it is about the most monstrous crimes committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

Dacic to TV Prva: "President Vucic" and "Mr. Thaci" - Dacic on UNSC session (B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic repeated and to Belgrade based TV Prva that the result of the Monday’s UN Security Session was that the positions of all members of the Council to be heard.

That was the result of this session because, he points out in a statement to Prva TV, "Pristina hardly will withdraw its moves."

Selakovic: "Citizens must understand how our situation is serious" (B92, TV Prva, Vecernje Novosti)

Secretary general of the Serbian president Nikola Selakovic told Prva TV on Wednesday that there is no confirmation that Washington is sending a ship full of weapons to the (future) Kosovo army, quotes B92 portal.

"The very fact that the formation of the so-called Kosovo army is being considered, which is contrary to all international regulations, but also to those adopted in Kosovo, shows that they don't hesitate at nothing," said Selakovic.

KFOR: We knew something yesterday; Serbian media: Mitrovica North citizens disturbed (Tanjug, B92, TV Prva, Kontakt plus radio)

Vincenzo Grasso, KFOR spokesman, told TV Prva that KFOR was informed that four people were arrested in Kosovo, but that there is no accurate information about where they are.

"The Kosovo police arrested several people in connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. We were informed that four people were arrested and I'm not sure where they are right now, but I'm sure that they are in the police and would be brought to the justice," Grasso told TV Prva.

Army, security chiefs, president meet after Rosu incursion (Tanjug, TV Prva, B92)

An unscheduled closed session of the Serbian Government was held in Belgrade on Friday morning due to the incursion of a Kosovo police unit into the north of Kosovo, reports Serbian media.

President Aleksandar Vucic has had extraordinary meetings with the army and police chiefs this morning. Other security services, as well as commanders of special military and police units, also took part in these meetings.

Covic: Maybe it would be better if there is no KFOR, so we resolve this issue (TV Prva, B92)

Nebojsa Covic, former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija told Prva TV, Kosovo Albanians would not be able to carry out police action this morning, if they had no support from the outside. “Nothing happens without knowledge of Washington,” Covic said.

“That is the pattern. You create new problems, and everything else is pushed aside. Who still remembers the “Yellow House” case, the Brussels agreement, Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, Special Court for KLA war crimes?” Covic asked.

Rakic: If ROSU did not withdraw, war would start (B92, TV Prva)

Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic told Prva TV three persons were arrested in this town early this morning, including Kosovo police officer and two citizens. All of them are Serbs. Rakic also added, arrested persons were brutally beaten up.

According to Rakic, the excuse used for action was that the arrests are made in relation to Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, however Rakic doubts this version and believes it is about diverting attention from yesterday’s events.

ROSU arrested Serbs in north, shootings, sirens heard (B92, TV Prva, RTS)

Kosovo special police units, ROSU, early this morning entered Mitrovica North and arrested three persons, B92 reports. The media also added shootings were heard, and the sirens were on.
Dragisa Markovic (Kosovo police member), Sasa Curcic and Milos Rosic are arrested, according to the Serbian media. Following the police action, citizens gathered at Mitrovica North main square.
Meanwhile, RTS reported that 4 Serbs were arrested, two of them Kosovo police members, and that they are sent to the police station in Mitrovica South.

Ex-army chief Dikovic: My conscience is clear, this is NATO's finale (B92, TV Prva)

The first on the list, according to many of them, is General Ljubisa Dikovic, who until recently served as chief of the Serbian Army's General Staff.
Speaking for Prva TV's morning program on Monday, Dikovic said that his conscience is clear on this matter. He also said that according to his knowledge, the indictment against him exists, and that it was written in Belgrade.

"If Macron wanted to insult us he wouldn't come to Belgrade" (B92, TV Prva)

If French President Emmanuel Macron meant to intentionally insult Serbia, he would not come to visit Belgrade, says Nikola Selakovic.

Selakovic was referring to the seating arrangement scandal in Paris last Sunday, during the marking of the 100 years since the end of WW1.