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Đurić: Formation of Armed Forces of Kosovo will not happen, and it is a great success of Serbia (Blic)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said that the formation of security forces of Kosovo will not happen, as announced by Hashim Thaçi, and stated that it was an undoubted diplomatic success of Serbia.

Đurić recalled on the statement of Stoltenberg in which he opposed the way of establishing of armed forces of Kosovo and which directed Pristina to the continuation of the talks with Belgrade.

Đurić: The establishment of military formation in Kosovo violates UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo agreement (media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said yesterday that Serbia strongly opposes the establishment of the so-called Army of Kosovo. He says that Pristina with formation of the army would give a serious blow to serious efforts for inter-ethnic reconciliation, improving the relations between Serbs and Albanians and the establishment of lasting stability.

Đurić: Yet another in a series of denial of rights of the Serbian people (KIM radio)

Director of the office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić reacted to the opposition of certain Albanian politicians in Pristina to the holding of Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, and cautioned on yet another in a series of attacks on the rights of the Serb population.

Đurić concerned over lack of dialogue between expert teams (RTS, Tanjug)

Belgrade is interested in continuing the dialogue with Pristina, Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said Wednesday at a meeting with members of the EU Council Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the EU (COELA), but he expressed concern over the fact that expert teams had not met in Brussels since November.

Kosovo Office chief meets with Russian ambassador (B92)

Marko Djuric has offered his condolences to Russian Ambassador Aleksandar Chepurin over the death of Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin.

According to a statement, the head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and the top Russian diplomat in Serbia met in Belgrade on Tuesday.

During the meeting, Djuric said that "the Russian Federation and world diplomacy lost a great fighter for the respect of international law and the acquis on which the United Nations are based."

No confirmation from Vučić on alleged dismissal of Đurić; only ''bravo'' for the media in Kosovo (B92, Blic)

The Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić ironically congratulated the media from Kosovo who reported that he allegedly signed the dismissal of Marko Đurić.

Asked by reporters B92 in Davos on whether it is true that the head of the Office for KiM will be replaced, the prime minister did not give a negative or a positive answer, but said:

PM Vucic ready to establish "hotline with Pristina" (B92, Pink)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday in Davos, Switzerland that "peace and stability have the greatest importance."

In this regard, Vucic added, he was "also ready to establish a hotline between Belgrade - Pristina.

Vucic told TV Pink that he had "many important discussion for Serbia at the World Economic Forum," and underlined that he believes "we will have the strength to calm down certain things - even those that were under no influence of ours whatsoever."