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Anniversary of the kidnapping of Serbs in Orahovac/Rahovec marked (KIM radio, KoSSev, Politika)

In Velika Hoča, municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac yesterday was marked the suffering of Serbs of July 1998, when hundreds of Serbs and Roma were kidnapped in the municipality, Serbian media reported.

At the memorial service for the victims and abductees in the municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac, was said that no one still was responsible for the suffering of the Serbs, and that all the hopes for clarifying the crimes are directed at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, reported Serbian media.

Arrests in Kosovo and in New York City for Organized Crime; Kelmendi released from custody while in trial (Serbian media)

All media in the Serbian language today reported about the arrest of 10 people in Kosovo and the US in a joint action by the Kosovo Police and the American DEA Service. The media also reported that the Basic Court in Pristina released Naser Kelmendi while in trial, who was charged with murder and organized crime.

Kosovo police have announced that in a joint operation with the US DEA service have arrested 10 people in Kosovo and New York, suspected of organized crime and narcotics trafficking.

Serbian List: One condition - that there is no Kosovo army (media)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simic rejects that Serb representatives had "four conditions for the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into an army." Thus Simic has denied the statement of the outgoing Minister of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Haki Demolli, reports Serbian media.

Demolli told Klan Kosova TV that the Serbian List had four conditions to vote in favour of KSF transformation into an army.

Belgrade expects EU's "greater engagement" in region (media)

Greater engagement from Brussels is expected regarding the situation in the region, Serbian officials have told EU ambassadors.

Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric met with ambassadors of EU member-states in Belgrade on Thursday.

Daily Blic reports on a series of alleged criminal activities led by Thaci

On Monday, Daily newspaper Blic reported in an exclusive front-page story, as part of a larger series, details of secret documents of the Albanian mafia in Kosovo under the headline ''Thaci the lord of drugs, smuggling of weapons and fuel''. Almost all Serbian language media covered the Blic article.

Tanin: The reason for serious concern (media)

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin condemned yesterday the threat of ethnic cleansing that was last weekend sent by a Kosovo's deputy, whom he did not name.

- Statement by the High parliamentarian Kosovo this weekend, with the use of hate speech by threatening ethnic cleansing is unacceptable and is cause for serious concern - said Tanin, published the UNMIK website.

Đurić: Slavko Simić the legitimate representative of the Serbian List (media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić says Slavko Simić presents legitimate elected representative of the people in Kosovo.

-The Republic of Serbia, the Government and the people firmly stand by our people in Kosovo and Metohija, and for Serbia the legitimate elected representatives of the Serbian people are the representatives of the Serbian List as well as the representative of the Serbian List in Kosovo and Metohija Slavko Simić, said Đurić.



Stojanović about the Serbian presidential elections and the Kosovo Government's decision to appropriate the assets of SFRJ (Serbian media)

Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that he sees no problem for holding elections in Kosovo for the President of Serbia, and told reporters that he expects that they will be held, unless someone in Pristina "from strange, their own ideas, decides otherwise."