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Srpska Lista filed lawsuits against Kosovo special police unit members (Tanjug)

Srpska Lista that left Kosovo Government submitted lawsuits to the Police Inspectorate in Pristina over the action of the Kosovo police special unit in the north of Kosovo on Monday, Tanjug news agency reported.

Outgoing Kosovo Interior Minister Deputy, Milan Radojevic said that submitting lawsuits are one of the conclusions of the meeting of 10 Serb-majority municipalities’ representatives.

Belgrade to support Serbs in Kosovo forming ZSO – Djuric (BETA, B92)

Marko Djuric said on Thursday that Serbs will not give up on the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

The head of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija also advised authorities in Pristina who are making threats of arrest, "to arrest themselves first."

Djuric said that Serbia expects representatives of authorities in Pristina to start enabling Serbs to work on the formation of the ZSO, "instead of making threats of war and a campaign of terror, that will bring nothing to anyone."

Janjic: New format of negotiations, observers from USA and Germany (Tanjug, Kontakt plus radio, Danas)

According to political analyst Dusan Janjic, arrest of Marko Djuric was security-political trigger that sped up existing preparations for negotiations in a new format, Tanjug news agency reported.

He expects this new format would include two observers, one from the USA and the other from Germany. He also added that new format in fact means more intensive talks, prepared by political negotiators, and to be “completed by presidents in several meetings.”

Session of 10 Serb-majority municipalities in Mitrovica North – 3 conclusions adopted (KoSSev portal)

Chairperson of the Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly, Dejan Guresic read conclusions from today’s session where 10 Serb-majority municipalities’ representatives participated. The conclusions were adopted unanimously, KoSSev portal reports.

Lazic: Contribution of Srpska Lista none or detrimental (KIM Radio)

There is no significance to the Serbs in Kosovo, whether Srpska Lista would remain in or leave the Kosovo Government, Zivorad Lazic deputy leader of the Serb National Forum told KIM radio.

He added participation and contribution of Srpska Lista in the work of the government was none or detrimental to the Serb people living in Kosovo.

Dodik: Good decision of Srpska Lista (RTS, Danas)

Decision of Srpska Lista to leave provisional institutions in Pristina is good, President of Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik told Serbian media. Dodik added that Kosovo, in addition to Bosnia and Herzegovina is an evidence of a failed attempts from the West.

Dodik also said the aim of Marko Djuric’s arrest was to intimidate the Serbs and try to humiliate both them and Serbia.

Simic: Serbian List seeks reaction of international community due to latest Pristina’s threats: Someone has to tell them enough is enough (TV Pink)

Serbian List (SL) MP in Kosovo Assembly Igor Simic told TV Pink this morning that SL expects the representatives of the international community to react to the latest threats of Pristina regarding the arrests, and pointed out, “it is unacceptable to threaten the legal and legitimate representatives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija”.

“Based on what would they arrest anyone? Because he/she acts in accordance with the laws, with the obligations that Pristina did not want to fulfil?” Simić told TV Pink.

Kosovo Serbs to Quit Pristina Govt After Deportation (Balkan Insight)

After Kosovo controversially deported a Serbian official, Kosovo Serb politicians said they will quit the Kosovo government and unilaterally set up an Association of Serbian Municipalities without Pristina’s involvement.

Goran Rakic, the president of the main Kosovo Serb party, Srpska Lista, said on Tuesday that an Association of Serbian Municipalities will be set up independently from Pristina and that the party will leave the Kosovo government.

Morning calm, Serbs to meet Vucic, leave Kosovo government (B92, TV Prva)

Last night and the morning in Mitrovica North went calm so far. President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic urged to ease tensions, while the talks between Vucic and Serb representatives from Kosovo and Metohija are expected to take place today, B92 reports.

According to TV Prva report they departed to Belgrade early this morning, where they would inform the President of Serbia and the state leadership on their decision to leave the Kosovo Government. According to the Serbian media, the meeting is scheduled to take place at 11.00.

“West sick of Kosovo story, wants speedy solution” (BETA, Sputnik, B92, TV Most)

Leader of Peoples Party (Vuk Jeremic) told Sputnik that Pristina’s allies got sick of Kosovo story and want to reach a solution as soon as possible.

Jeremic added, membership of Kosovo to the UN is not as much important to Pristina as it is important to its allies in the international arena, who would like “to conclude the story they got sick of”.