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Over €50 million entered Kosovo from the Middle East (kohaonline)

Bashkim Zeqiri, expert on financing of terrorism claims that there is a solid legal basis to fund terrorism in Kosovo. “International reports on terrorism, for example that of the US Department of State on Terrorism published in 2013, make a few remarks that the government and institutions should have had a more serious approach.

Limaj says Yes to broad-based government, but without PDK (Koha)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they will establish a broad-based government but without the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Coalition leaders met in Pristina today to discuss the upcoming session of the Constitutional Court on 21 August on the election of the Assembly Speaker.

The side effects of a spring (Koha)

Enver Hasani, chairman of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, writes in his opinion piece about the effects of the Arab Spring in Kosovo. He argues that after the end of the war in Kosovo in 1999, it was completely naïve to expect and believe that the United Nations administration would handle the arrangement of the status of the Islamic community in Kosovo.


Jahjaga praises police operation to arrest terrorist suspects (Koha)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga visited today the headquarters of Kosovo Police in Pristina and met with police general director Shpend Maxhuni and other senior police officials. “I came to visit the Police of the Republic of Kosovo today to offer them institutional support for the work and commitment of all men and women in this important security mechanism and at the same time our unreserved support to the institution that guarantees the security of all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.

Vetevendosje against „euphoria and exaltation after the arrest of suspected for terrorism“ (Koha)

Vetevendosje through a press release has expressed their views in connection with the latest developments in Kosovo. In this statement among others it says that Vetevendosje considers as damaging the euphoria and exaltation that are being built in a form of a campaign, especially from few media of the regime, in the occasion of the arrest of 40 citizens of Kosovo suspected for terrorism and war crimes in Syria. Prosecution, justice, police and Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), as well as Kosovo government are remarkable for scandals, irresponsibility and corruption.


War crimes suspect commits suicide in jail (Koha)

Citing unidentified sources, Koha reports that Marian Abazi, accused of committing war crimes against civilians during the Kosovo conflict, has committed suicide today in his prison cell at the detention center in Peja/Pec. Abazi, who was arrested several days ago at the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, was believed to have led the massacre by Serbian troops against Albanian civilians in the village of Meja.


Religious extremism has no place in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Enver Hoxhaj, writes in an opinion piece that “although Kosovo is a secular state with a secular society, lately we have been hearing radical statements by some Islamic religious leaders who were educated in Arab and Islamic countries. They preach an Islam that is very different from Albanian Islam and a way of life that is different from reality in Kosovo”.

Ban requests establishment of Special Court by early 2015 at the latest (Koha)

The paper reports on page two that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his quarterly report on Kosovo, has called on Kosovo institutions to establish, by early 2015 at the latest, the Special Court that will handle allegations of war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. In his report, Ban talks about the political situation in the country, with special emphasis on the northern part of Mitrovica following tensions after the construction of the Peace Park on Ibër/Ibar River.

Prosecution asks for international arrest warrant for Gani Geci (Koha)

Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica asked a judge today to issue an international arrest warrant for former MP, Gani Geci, in relation to a murder in Skenderaj last week.

The request was filed today after a week-long search for Geci failed to produce results. In addition, the prosecution has received information that Geci is no longer in the territory of Kosovo.
