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Vucic and Scott on continuation of dialogue with Kosovo (Danas)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic received today USA Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott and spoke with him about bilateral relations and regional topics, Danas daily reported.

The two officials highlighted the need to continue Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels and to implement agreements reached earlier, including the agreement on the judiciary and the creation of the Association of Serb Municipalities.

The USA Ambassador also said that the USA welcomes an initiative of the President Vucic for internal dialogue on Kosovo.


Munter on USA participation in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug, B92)

Former USA Ambassador to Serbia, Cameron Munter, who is now heading the The East-West Institute, said he is an optimist, seeing the people in the region having the spirit and willingness to resolve the issues, shared by all, Tanjug news agency reported.

In that sense, he particularly mentioned Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic.

Munter believes that the crucial solution must come from the people and leadership in the region.

“Haradinaj’s story for internal use” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic said to Tanjug that the statements of Kosovo leaders “are intended for internal use” and this is how he sees the latest statement of Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj.

Haradinaj earlier stated there is no continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue without involvement of the USA.

“I would not comment on every Pristina’s statement, intended for internal use,” Dacic said referring to Haradinaj’s statement.

“Progress in dialogue important for pace of accession process” (Tanjug, RTS)

Chief of the Austrian Diplomacy, Sebastian Kurz said he sees no added value in comparing situation in Catalonia and Kosovo, but dialogue with Pristina should continue as the progress in the dialogue is of high significance for Serbia’s path to the EU, Tanjug news agency reported.

Catalonian referendum on independence is an internal matter of Spain, and it has to be resolved within the Spanish Constitution, Kurz said to Tanjug.

Erdogan's spokesperson: Vucic was well prepared (B92, Blic)

Ibrahim Kalin, a spokesperson for the Turkish president, has told a Belgrade daily that Recep Erdogan's visit to Serbia went in "an extraordinary atmosphere."

Kalin, whom Blic says is the only politician authorized to speak on behalf of Erdogan, assessed that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was well prepared for the visit of the Turkish delegation, and showed warmth and hospitality - pointing out as very important that the two presidents visited Novi Pazar and met with the Muslim community there.

Kocijancic: Normalisation of Kosovo-Serbia relations, obligatory (Koha)

The European Commission Spokesperson,  Maja Kociajncic, said that at the end of the discussions for Serbia’s membership at the European Union, Belgrade and Pristina should completely normalize their relations. This normalization should be described in a binding agreement between the parties.

“Recognition of Kosovo’s independence is not mentioned in our negotiating framework,” Kocijancic said.

“We expect from new Kosovo Government concrete results” (RTK2)

“There are expectations that the new Kosovo Government would deliver concrete results when it comes to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Now, when Kosovo finally has a new government, we would like to see it implements those issues and decisions that can be only decided upon in Kosovo, stated chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee and rapporteur for Serbia, David McAllister, RTK2 reported.