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Applying for verification of diplomas in Gračanica / Graçanica and North Mitrovica (Radio Kontakt Plus)

The graduates of the University of Pristina temporarily located in North Mitrovica can verify their diplomas, said Director of the Office for Community Affairs Ivan Tomić. "So far, students could submit documentation for verification of diplomas only in the Ministry of Education in Pristina, or in the Secretariat at the reception of the Ministry," said Tomic.

CI SDP: Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija should use passports for visa-free regime (Kontakt Plus Radio)

CI SDP welcomes the efforts of the negotiating team of Serbia related to the inclusion in visa free regime of the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija, who have the passports issued by the Coordination Directorate. "Although we are convinced that the decision on visa-free regime will be neither quickly nor easily made, the Government of Serbia must have prepared technical solutions in order to protect the rights of Serbian citizens living in Kosovo and Metohija," reads the statement of the CI SDP.

In a letter from jail, Ivanovic urges Serbs to form ZSO (B92, Kontakt plus radio, Blic, Tanjug)

Serbs in Kosovo must start establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), according to Civic Initiative SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic.

Ethnic Albanians' opposition to the formation of this community, agreed on during the EU-sponspored Belgrade-Pristina talks, "will subside only when they realize that it will be formed with or without them," Ivanovic said in a letter he wrote in prison.

Vehicle of Post of Serbia damaged in the incident near Peja/Pec (Kontakt plus radio)

A vehicle of the Post of Serbia was hit by an unknown object this morning in the village of Cuska, near Pec/Peja, reports radio Gorazdevac.

The vehicle was damaged and postal workers are not injured.

Workers of Serbia's Post have confirmed to Radio Gorazdevac that the incident occurred when the vehicle was in motion. An object was thrown which hit the windshield of car. The vehicle was transporting shipment for Gorazdevac.

Unemployment - problem of youth in northern Kosovo (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Unemployment is the biggest problem of young people in northern Kosovo municipalities - Northern Mitrovica, Zvecan/Zveqan, Leposavic/Leposaviq and Zubin Potok. The research results conducted by the Youth Educational Club "Synergy" show that 60.6 per cent of the respondents marked as the biggest problem the youth unemployment, which is followed by domestic violence, poor educational system, poverty and crime among young people.

  Hope: USAID in Kosovo invested 850 million dollars (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Director of USAID in Kosovo James Hope said that the USAID since 1999 to date invested about $ 850 million in Kosovo. Hope said that USAID programs support for the whole Kosovo, adding that special attention was devoted to the programs that are designed to support a minority, vulnerable groups and the women. "The programs have a national perspective. My rough estimate is that out of 850 million, about 15 per cent of the money was directed towards the minority communities in Kosovo," said Hope in the talk show Slobodno Srpski.

Aktiv: Visa liberalization for the people with passports of Coordination Directorate (Radio Kontakt Plus)  

On the eve of today's visit of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini to Pristina, NGO Aktiv urged the Serbian representatives in the Kosovo institutions to raise the issue of visa liberalization for the passports which Republic of Serbia is issuing to its citizens in Kosovo.

SNS and Gorani won in elections held in the municipality of Gora (Kontakt plus radio)

The electoral list Aleksandar Vucic Serbia won in the municipality of Gora in Kosovo with 78 per cent of the vote, stated the Gorani Citizens' Initiative.

SPS got 11 per cent and the DS three per cent of the vote.

"The Citizens Initiative of Gorani, as the only political and national organization of Gorani, shares the same values with the president of the SNS, Aleksandar Vucic," said the Initiative.

"The concession of Brezovica highly questionable" (Kontakt plus radio )

The Franco-Andorran consortium "MDP Consulting" has still not given financial guarantees for the Brezovica development project. The deadline was 24 December 2015, but it has been postponed until 31 May 2016, due to the political situation.

President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Safet Gerxhaliu expressed skepticism about the project.

Montenegrin Liberal Party supported the SNS and Vucic (Kontakt plus radio)

Montenegrin Liberal Party (CLS) fully supports the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its president Aleksandar Vucic, in the next elections, said Snezana Karadzic, founder of the CLS.

Karadzic states that the CLS sincerely appreciates the policy of cooperation, a policy of unity and reconciliation in the region, for which advocates the SNS and its President.