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Russian daily: Putin's visit is a test for Belgrade (B92)

Putin's visit to Belgrade is of political importance and should answer the question: is Serbia ready to be Moscow's key ally in the region, B92 portal reports, quoting Russian daily Kommersant.

If not, Serbia will continue its rapprochement with the EU and NATO, balancing between the West and Russia, assesses the Moscow daily.

Dialogue to continue once trade barriers are lifted – Vucic (B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic says he had a working lunch with the representatives of the EU and thanked member states for their support to Serbia's European road.

Vucic met in Belgrade on Tuesday with ambassadors and diplomatic representatives of EU member states.

As he said, the meeting lasted more than two hours, and concerned "what Serbia must do when it comes to its European path."

The Appeal for the Defense of Kosovo and Metohija: Vucic is preparing the recognition of an independent Kosovo (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic leads a devastating Kosovo policy and spreads defeatism which is devastating for the Serb people in Kosovo and aims to prepare a "Serbian recognition of an independent Kosovo," reads the statement of Launchers of the Appeal for the Defense of Kosovo and Metohija, quotes Belgrade based daily Danas.

"We need to reach compromise," says Serbian president Vucic (B92, Tanjug,, N1)

"It is true that in Kosovo and Metohija not everything is Albanian, and not everything is Serbian, and the truth is that we have to reach a compromise."

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said this in an interview for the website.

He is convinced that "those who do not understand that will lead Serbia into the greatest tragedy from which we will exit defeated, more defeatedg than ever."

Vucic and his SNS most popular in Serbia, support for EU membership dropping (N1, Beta)

The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), headed by the country's president as the most popular leader, will have the greatest voters’ support if an early election is held now, while the enthusiasm for the country's EU membership shrinks and Kosovo is "very important" to less than a half of those covered by an opinion poll published on Thursday.

Jeremic: Russia supports Serbia, but not current authorities (B92, Tanjug)

Opposition People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic says that the position of the Serbian authorities towards Russia is "insincere and hypocritical."

He argued that Russia supports Serbia, but not the current authorities.

Jeremic told the website that Russian President Vladimir Putin "does not trust Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic because of his relations with the West."

Stefanovic advises Vucic to leave Kosovo issue to someone else (Vecernje Novosti,N1,Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s close associate, Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said he would advise the president to do nothing about Kosovo and leave the problem to someone else.

Stefanovic told Monday’s issue of Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti that it would be hard to find a solution to the Kosovo problem in 2019.

Vucic: "When they erase border in March, taxes will be revoked" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out on Sunday that the Albanians will try to bring the whole international community to a "fait accompli."

Vucic made this statement after Ramush Haradinaj said that "the border between Kosovo and Albania" was disappearing.