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Reciprocity, not vassalage (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial argues that the decision of the Kosovo Ministry of Trade and Industry to introduce reciprocity measures against Serbia comes only after a series of concessions that Kosovo made toward its neighbor. According to the paper, Kosovo has not only failed to establish reciprocity vis-à-vis Serbia “but it has also turned into a vassal in the Brussels negotiations”.

The last chance (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper, writes that Kosovo is in danger of becoming a dysfunctional and corrupted Republic, lacking rule of law, economic development and being led by an incriminated oligarchy which leads the state and businesses. “In order to prevent this national tragedy, the current governing should end as soon as possible,” notes the paper. “In democracy, this happens through elections, which in Kosovo’s case are also corrupted by major parties that have caught the state and ballot boxes.

Terror (Kosova Sot)

On a front-page editorial the paper writes that terror attacks in Brussels caused outrage in Europe and the rest of the world but they should not shake democracy. In fact, these attacks should only strengthen the determination to fight against terrorism. The paper says although there are individuals from Kosovo who have gone to fight alongside the terrorist group ISIS, the people of Kosovo are on the right side.


Disgusting resistance against decriminalization (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s editorial today notes that the judiciary in Kosovo is not independent, and that this was proved by Justice Minister Hajredin Kuci yesterday who said the conviction of Skenderaj Mayor Sami Lushtaku was absurd. “EULEX’s reaction against Kuci’s irresponsible statement should have been followed with Kuci’s dismissal from his post, but such a thing doesn’t happen in Kosovo where corrupt politicians are above the law. An independent judicial system should act immediately in such cases, without waiting for pressure from the public.”

Opposition that Kosovo needs (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial today notes that the opposition parties cannot win the sympathy of the citizens only by releasing teargas and opposing the agreements with Serbia. “A sustainable alternative is one that represents seriousness, commitment and results. If the opposition manages to renew itself with capable, brave and determined people, only then will it be able to overturn the current government.

Totalitarianism of a party (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this paper criticizes the Democratic Party of Kosovo for constantly bragging about being the most consolidated, powerful and successful party in governing Kosovo, while the results continuously show the opposite. “In fact, this party resembles more and more the Working Party of communist Albania, in which the leader was god and others could not even breathe without his permission. The announcement of the election of Veseli as leader of this party clearly illustrates lack of democracy in the party.”

The regime is going down (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes that the government led by Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci is responsible for countless violations and abuses of power. “Injustices of this regime are monstrous,” exclaims the paper in its front-page editorial. Under these circumstances, there is no other option left but to call for new elections and give the people the opportunity to choose representatives that will offer them better living conditions.


Friends should support change (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper says that population in Kosovo will eternally be appreciative for the support of international friends, especially the U.S. and the EU, on investments, declaration of independence, recognition and membership in international organizations. “It is not their fault that our politicians are corrupt and have damaged the state, become wealthy through public funds, and built a criminal governing system...

Clash and rule (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of the paper says that yesterday’s meeting between party leaders at the office of the President did not offer anything new, instead, it only proved that the governing coalition has no intention to compromise with opposition, and that protests throughout Kosovo remain the only solution. According to Kosova Sot, the President failed to offer any interesting options either.