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“Journalists should more actively deal with Oliver Ivanovic murder” (KIM Radio, New Press Production)

Belgrade-based portal Insajder journalist Senka Vlatkovic-Odavic said in “Slobodno srpski” broadcast journalists should more actively deal with the case of Oliver Ivanovic murder, KIM Radio reported.

She thinks Ivanovic’s murder is political and no one should remain silent, and this should be the topic of high interests for the journalists.

Vucic: It was not moment that Haradinaj talks for Serbian media, I am banned in Kosovo (Tanjug, KIM, B92, TV Pink, KoSSev portal)

It was not a moment that Haradinaj addresses the Serbian media, but I am not editing media in Serbia. However, I am banned in Kosovo, as everyone is afraid of what I could tell. This is how Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reacted on TV Happy “Cirilica” broadcast, where Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj was a guest.

Matic: Soon the investigation of the fate of missing and killed journalists in Kosovo (Insajder, KIM radio, Kossev)

Director of the B92 Fund and the President of the Commission for the Investigation of Journalist Murdered in Serbia, Veran Matic, said that in the following months, as a consultant to the OSCE mission in Pristina, he would work on a proposal for the formation of a Commission to deal with the cases of 14 killed and missing journalists in Kosovo in the period from 1998 to 2005, reports the Belgrade based portal Insajder.

Trajkovic: "President to stop promising the final solution" (KIM radio)

Member of the Presidency of the Serbian National Forum (SNF), Momcilo Trajkovic, said in TV Show 'Slobodno Srpski' (Free Serbian) that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic need to give up his current policy towards Kosovo, and that SNF representatives have told him that personally, in a meeting month ago, reports KIM radio.

TV Most Editor-in-Chief on TV headline: Editorial failure, it is not something that we do (KoSSev portal)

TV Most based in Zvecan two days ago published a news with inappropriate headline, related to the graffiti written on the wall of school, attended by Serbian pupils, in the village of Ugljare, nearby Gracanica municipality, KoSSev portal reported today.

KoSSev also reported the news has been removed from the TV website.

TV Most, Editor-in-Chief, Ljiljana Jankovic assessed the headline as “utterly inappropriate” and as “editorial failure” adding “it was a violation of a codex and something that we do not do.”

Milovic: People did not fail exam, politicians did (New Press Produkcija, KoSSev portal)

After the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, Mitrovica North is a city without a soul. While Oliver Ivanovic was alive, north of Kosovo and Mitrovica North had their souls. People had hope situation would eventually get better for us and our children. There was optimism, Dragisa Milovic, former mayor of Zvecan municipality and politician said in Slobodno srpski TV broadcast.

Riza Smaka: Political murder of Oliver Ivanovic with different interests in the background (KIM radio, Slobodno Srpski)

In the latest TV Show "Slobodno Srpski" (Free Serbian), a member of the Presidency of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and professor for constitutional law prof. Dr. Riza Smaka, in an interview with Budimir Nicic, says that there was no doubt that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic was a political murder from different interests at a background, KIM radio reports.

Haradinaj: I speak to everyone, I am open (Kossev, Slobodno Srpski)

Haradinaj says that all issues that have so far been part of the dialogue in Brussels have no weight, because the main question between Kosovo and Serbia has not been resolved, and that is Kosovo's recognition by Serbia.

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj was a guest in TV Show "Slobodno Srpski" on Sunday night; among the reasons is the first 100 days of the government that he is in charge.

Foreign fighters from Kosovo "mostly young and unemployed" (Slobodno srpski, B92)

UNDP representative in Kosovo Andrew Russell has been a guest on the Slobodno Srpski talk show, produced by the New Press and Media Center in Caglavica.

He spoke with host Budimir Nincic about UNDP's recent report about citizens of Kosovo who joined extremist groups in Syria, to say that no such cases had been recorded in the past two years.

Russell recalled that 335 citizens of Kosovo, mostly young and unemployed, went to Syria between 2012 and 2015.