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Kosovo not at risk from terrorist attacks (Indeksonline/RFE)

Security mechanisms in Kosovo say that Kosovo is not currently at risk from possible terrorist attacks. Daut Hoxha, Kosovo Police (KP) spokesperson, told Radio Free Europe that KP has undertaken the necessary measures to prevent such occurrences. However, according to him, radicalism, extremism and organized criminal groups pose a potential threat to Kosovo society. “Concrete measures were taken in the arrest of certain persons or destruction of cells that allegedly had links with such organizations.

Sherifi: Ratification of demarcation agreement can cause security crisis in Kosovo (Indeksonline)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) senior member, Bilall Sherifi, said on Monday the government must declare the agreement on border-demarcation with Montenegro as null and void, in order to pave the way for a new process and new agreement. He also said the ratification of this agreement will cause security crisis in Kosovo. “The ratification of this agreement would deepen the political crisis and would send Kosovo into security crisis,” Sherifi said. According to him, there is no reason to link visa liberalisation with border-demarcation issue.

AAK: Border demarcation to be renegotiated in Brussels (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has proposed the issue of the border demarcation with Montenegro be renegotiated in Brussels. In a press release, the AAK said the statements by certain Kosovo government officials that the border demarcation should be first ratified by the Assembly and then corrected are “dangerous” and “malicious”. “Demarcation with Montenegro has been done badly and to the detriment of Kosovo. Those who put Kosovo into this serious trouble should be held accountable before the people and before the law.

Thaçi: Commission for Association, opposition does not welcome it (RTKlive)

The proposal of the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, to create a special commission for the Association/Community of the Serbian-majority Communities, was not welcomed by the three opposition parties. According to them, the proposal is not serious and it is a joke on Kosovo politics.

AAK: Agreement on Association should be rewritten (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), did not welcome the proposal of Kosovo's President, Hashim Thaçi to establish a special commission for the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Muharrem Nitaj, senior member of the AAK, said on Wednesday that a special commission cannot produce something that is in violation with Kosovo’s Constitution.

Kelmendi: We don’t need LGBT parades in Kosovo (Indeksonline)

Gezim Kelmendi, member of the Kosovo Parliament, said today that “the people of Kosovo don’t need LGBT parades”. On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Kelmendi wrote on Facebook: “the people of Kosovo have pride and dignity; they respect their friends and all people regardless of their orientations. The people of Kosovo safeguard and respect the family as the main pillar of society. Our people don’t need parades by the LGBT community.

Picula: Corruption and press freedom, two main problems in Kosovo (Indeksonline)

Tonino Picula, chairman of the European Parliamentary Committee for SAA with Kosovo, and other members of the committee met Kosovo's President, Hashim Thaci. Picula reiterated EU's strong support to Kosovo’s European agenda. “We are here today and tomorrow to ask questions about the current situation in Kosovo.

Kuci: Demarcation agreement to be revised or resolved by arbitration (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Justice Minister Hajredin Kuci said on Monday that the Kosovo - Montenegro border had never been decided by Albanians. “Determination of the border with Montenegro has always been a problem. We have two choices, the first is revision of the agreement on border-demarcation with Montenegro, or the case to be resolved by arbitration,” Kuci said. He made these comments during the conference “Borders in international law - contesting and acknowledgement” that was organized by the Faculty of Law in Pristina.

Veseli: Dialogue with neighbors and others, important for Kosovo’s future (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli during a debate organized today by civil society on the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA), said Kosovo needs the dialogue with others in order to achieve important agreements. “Kosovo needs a parallel dialogue with neighbors and others in order to achieve important agreements. The European agenda is a national priority for which we have a common consensus between the government and the opposition,” Veseli said.

Ahmeti: Leader of the list and candidate for prime minister belong to Vetevendosje (Indeksonline)

Mayor of Pristina and senior member of Vetevendosje Movement, Shpend Ahmeti, today while commenting on opposition’s possible joint election list, said he believes the leader of the list and candidate for prime minister should belong to Vetevendosje. He said that the next candidate for prime minister of Kosovo, should be Albin Kurti. "The key is with Vetevendosje and it shall review and decide on future steps as Vetevendosje is the only party that is growing,” Ahmeti said.