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Opposition calls for ratification of Brussels agreements by Kosovo Assembly (Koha)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group has requested in the meeting of the Kosovo Assembly commission for legislation the review of border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the one on Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities with Serbia. AAK’s member in the commission, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi said the government of Kosovo is doing everything to prevent the Assembly from ratifying the above agreements but stressed that the Constitution requires this.

EU is not aware of vehicle insurance agreement’s suspension (

Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said that the EU is not aware about the suspension of the agreement on vehicle insurance. She said the signatory parties have agreed to resolve all issues through an implementation committee and “this is the forum where issues relating to vehicle insurance should be sent to.”

Pacolli blames Kosovo government for not respecting reciprocity measures against Serbia (Koha/RTK)

Despite announcements that the agreement on vehicle insurance between Pristina and Belgrade would be suspended by a decision of the Kosovo Insurance Bureau, vehicles with Serbia-issued license plates have continued to enter Kosovo in an unaffected way. The head of the Kosovo delegation in talks with Serbia on the insurance policies, Rrahim Pacolli, said that someone from the Kosovo government has prevented the suspension of the agreement.

The name "Republic of Kosovo" in a clause (Danas)

The name "Republic of Kosovo" is not stated in the agreement on the energy sector, which was recently signed by the representatives of Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels, but it is written in the so-called "disclaimer", i.e. statement on disclaimer of liability which is located in the main text of the agreement. The part states views of both sides on the property issues in Kosovo.

Tonight without regime change for entry of vehicles on the Jarinje crossing (Blic)

The regime for vehicles with Serbian license plates did not change last night, as they were entering Kosovo after the midnight without test plates, even though Pristina previously announced that it will freeze the agreement on vehicle insurance.

As reported by Tanjug's correspondent from Jarinje, several vehicles with license plates NP, BG, KM smoothly something after midnight, after a routine check by the police at the crossing, have entered the north of Kosovo from the direction of Raska.

Merkel: Agreements a strong impetus to Serbia’s progress towards the EU (Tanjug)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters on Monday she was convinced that the latest agreements reached in the dialogue with Pristina would give a strong impetus to Serbia's advancement in EU integration, and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic voiced the hope that the chapters in the EU entry talks with Serbia would be opened over the course of this year.

Merkel and Vucic said this to reporters in Berlin, and then continued talks.

Kosovo Insurance Bureau suspends car insurance agreement with Serbia (Indeksonline)

President of the Kosovo’s Insurance Bureau, Rrahim Pacolli, has decided to suspend indefinitely the agreement of 23 June on recognition of vehicle insurances between Pristina and Belgrade. The Kosovo Insurance Bureau said it took the decision following “the bureaucratic and unnecessary measures imposed by the Serbian side in forcing the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo to take off their RKS license plates and replace them with provisional plates and pay further taxes.”


Europeanisation of “Brussels” (Koha Ditore)

In his series of writings about the Brussels agreements between Pristina and Belgrade, publicist Veton Surroi remarks today that while the agreements are impossible to be rejected, they could nevertheless be reevaluated. This process would however not be sufficient if carried out by the Kosovo Constitutional Court which is known for political decisions and crisis of legitimacy. Even if this was not the case, the Constitutional Court would not be fit to reassess an agreement which is of European, not local, character.

Serbian companies submitted request for registration to Pristina (Politika)

Serbian company “Elektrosever” which should charge Serbs in Kosovo for power supply will receive the work permit, as expected, in one week. In accordance with the Brussels Agreement, the Serbian Power Supply Company (EPS) submitted to the Kosovo agency a request for registration of affiliated company that should provide import, export and transit of the electricity.