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Thaci: Assembly to form Kosovo army without delay (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said in an interview to RTK that there will be no visa liberalisation for Kosovo until the Assembly ratifies border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “If ratification does not happen this month, then there would immediately be liberalisation but if this is delayed for another 2-3 years, liberalisation will also be postponed that much,” Thaci said. He called on Kosovo Assembly members to put the interests of Kosovo before party ones.

Djuric: Association should establish without conditions (RTK)

The director of the so-called Office for Kosovo at the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, met today with the UNMIK Chief in Kosovo, Zahir Tanin, with whom he discussed the situation in Kosovo.

According to the Tanjug news agency, Djuric said that Serbia is interested on stabilization of the situation as well as establishment of the Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities without conditions and based on the agreement reached in Brussels.

Beqiri: Serbian Association without competencies is our obligation (RTK)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group of, Ismet Beqiri stated at today’s Assembly session that Kosovo  institutions demonstrated maturity and institutional acting during Serbia’s two recent provocations, the wall and the train.

Delawie: Education a key to prevention of violent extremism (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, said today that violent extremism derived from dissatisfied, unemployed youth, who lacked the feeling of belonging, are now exploiting social media to add to their number, making the fear spread in a chain manner.

Speaking at a round table organized in Gjakova,  by Women’s Initiative in Kosovo, Delawie said “violent extremists spread stories, messages and ideology to attract individuals but also communities into their orbit.”

Thaçi: There will be no discussions with Belgrade about the wall (RTK)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, said today that the issue of the wall would not be discussed with Belgrade authorities, because it is an internal issue of Kosovo.

Thaçi made these statements in front of the monument of Zahir Pajaziti, and added that “As a state, we are very much aware that today is the last day of the deadline deriving from the Resolution of the Assembly of Kosovo, which has to be respected with preciseness.”

Mogherini: Pristina and Belgrade to work on unresolved issues (RTK)

During the press conference on additional measures for managing migration along the Central Mediterranean route, ahead of the Malta Summit, the EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini, answered also on the questions how she sees the follow-up of Tuesday’s talks between Pristina and Belgrade, if there are some concrete plans for follow-up and why did she issue an additional statement the next morning regretting that not everybody respected the spirit of the agreement to refrain from comments and leave the tensions behind.

Mustafa: Commission for measurement of territory to commence its duty unaffected (RTKlive)

The Commission of experts for measurement of the territory of Kosovo, gathered today for the first time.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, stressed on this occasion that the EU should be aware of the territory it recognized, the territory where the independence was proclaimed.

Tahiri refutes Dačić: Armed forces can move in the north (RTK)

Edita Tahiri, Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, rejected the claims of Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica  Dačić  with regards to an agreement which halts Kosovo forces operate in the north of Kosovo. “The armed forces and security forces can move in the north without anyone’s permission,” said Tahiri, who had participated at signing of the agreement for normalisation of the relations with Serbia in April 2013.