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Buja: No, PDK has not agreed with LDK on the budget yet (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that the draft budget for 2017 is being kept “hostage” by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) at the parliamentary committee for budget and finance. Although, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) representatives said they have agreed to pass the draft budget, a PDK MP has a different position. Shukri Buja, a member of the parliamentary committee on budget and finance, told the news website that the PDK has yet to make a final decision to vote in favor of the current version of the budget.

Opposition MPs leave the Kosovo Assembly session (

 The opposition MPs did not mage to include debate on death of Vetëvendosje movement activist, Astrit Dehari in the agenda of the Kosovo Assembly session.  Two major parties of the coalition government, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), were against the debate.

Vetëvendosje movement MPs together with those from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), left the session.

Vetëvednosje seeks response (

Vetëvendosje movement MPs blocked today for a few minutes the Assembly pulpit, holding a banner with inscription “Justice”, requesting in this manner justice for Astrit Dehari, who died at Prizren prison.

Vetëvednosje movement leader, Visar Ymeri, held a speech expressing dissatisfaction regarding the delays on shedding light on the case of Dehari’s death. He said that Astrit Dehari’s death is responsibility of the institutions of the government of Kosovo.

Decision-making crisis can take Kosovo to elections (Radio Free Europe)

The inability of the ruling coalition to conclude issues such as the border demarcation with Montenegro – a requirement for visa liberalisation – and delays in meeting certain obligations from dialogue with Serbia and the inability to form the Armed Forces could take Kosovo to early elections next spring. Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, who is also the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo, is opposing the idea of early elections.

 MPs endorse draft-resolution for KLA (Kosovapress)

The draft-resolution prepared by heads of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), has passed by 61 votes for with none against and 11 abstentions.

The resolution says that the Assembly of Kosovo pledges to endorse the Law on protection of the values of the Kosovo Liberation Army and its liberating war, within six months.

PDK and LDK clashing over budget (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, is saying that Kosovo’s budget for 2017 will be €2 billion; however, the issue of the budget could be the reason behind the eventual breakup of the ruling coalition. The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), led by Kadri Veseli, is not satisfied with the budget lines drafted by the Ministry of Finance led by Avdullah Hoti, a member of the LDK chairmanship.

Gashi: If PDK leaves the coalition, we will respect their decision (Klan Kosova)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Arben Gashi, told Klan Kosova today that if the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) decides to go to early parliamentary elections, the LDK will respect the decision of their ruling coalition partner. “I don’t think Kadri Veseli [PDK leader] has indicated early elections yet. There is no final decision. We need to wait and then the LDK will have two options, either find another partner in government or go to early elections. We will respect the decision of the Democratic Party,” Gashi said.

Bulliqi: Joint declaration on visa liberalisation safeguards Kosovo’s territorial integrity (Indeksonline)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Shpejtim Bulliqi welcomed today the idea of a joint declaration by the Kosovo Assembly to Brussels on visa liberalisation for Kosovo. Bulliqi, who is the biggest opponent from the ruling coalition to the current border delineation agreement with Montenegro, said the initiative would unblock the process and create room for renegotiations on the border demarcation agreement.

LDK expects its MPs to vote ratification of the agreement on demarcation (RTKlive)

The leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo discussed at its meeting today the agreement for the demarcation of the border line between Kosovo and Montenegro.

They reconfirmed the unanimous support of LDK structures for LDK MPs who would vote for the ratification of the agreement, approved by local and international experts and strongly supported by the United States of America and other European partner countries, says a press release issued by this party.

War invalids warn LDK MP not to vote in favor of demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

The Association of KLA War Veterans, the branch in Podujevo, has called on Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Nuredin Ibishi, not to vote in favor of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Avni Ajeti, a KLA war invalid, told Indeksonline: “Nuredin Ibishi knows that the border delineation with Montenegro is wrong and yet again he has decided to vote in favor of the agreement. If he knows that the border delineation is wrong, he should not vote in favor.