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Vetevendosje will not take part in the government, but has conditions (Lajm)

The head of the Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, says the so-called “future emergency government,” established by the opposition parties, will suspend talks with Serbia, the implementation of the Association of Serb Municipalities, and privatization of enterprises. In a press conference, he said that Vetevendosje is not worried about posts in this government.

Kurti calls for blockade of PDK (Koha Ditore)

The Vetevendosje Movement will hold talks with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Nisma, to block the formation of the government by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti on Monday talked about the possibility of a united opposition block that would prevent a PDK-led government.

Ahmeti: Vetevendosje to boycott PDK, entire opposition should do the same (Telegrafi)

Pristina mayor and Vetevendosje deputy leader, Shpend Ahmeti, called on opposition parties today not to join a coalition government with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), guaranteeing that his party would not do so. “If all opposition parties stay true to their statements that they will not enter a coalition with the PDK, the latter will not be able to form the government. I can certainly guarantee for one political party,” Ahmeti wrote on his Facebook account.

PDK wins elections, opposition fails (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports on the front page that the Central Election Commission announced preliminary results showing the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in first place with 30.94%, followed by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) with 26.29%. The data came from 90 percent of polling stations. The New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), which was part of the coalition government with the PDK, failed to cross the 5 percent threshold. Vetevendosje, led by Albin Kurti, secured around 14 percent and the Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) received 10 percent.