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Vucic, Grasso exchange comments on action in north (Tanjug, B92, TV Pink)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso with his latest statement confirmed KFOR did not inform official Belgrade about what is being prepared and happening, Tanjug news agency reported.

Grasso said earlier that anyone reading the newspapers was informed about the action. He added there were no activities directed against the Serbs on Thursday, but it was about “legitimate police units conducting the operation, that resulted in arrests of civilians and police officers of different ethnic background.”

NGO Human Centre Mitrovica condemns use of force in north of Kosovo, comments on KFOR (Radio kontakt plus)

Non-governmental organization Human Centre Mitrovica in the strongest terms condemned the excessive use of force against citizens in the northern municipalities by Kosovo police ROSU unit, Radio kontakt plus reported.

“How could Serbia react: To warn NATO?” (Sputnik, B92)

Pristina did not make the decision to move into action in the north of Kosovo on its own, Milovan Drecun and Nebojsa Covic opined, B92 writes referring to Sputnik portal report.

Chairperson of the Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo, Drecun and former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija, Covic expect similar incidents would happen again.

Vucic on KFOR’s statement: Not accurate (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the situation of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija is more difficult today than yesterday, adding KFOR military mission is not neutral at all, Tanjug news agency reports.

Asked to comment on KFOR’s spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso statement that the biggest threat to the peace in Kosovo are the rhetoric of politicians and misuse of the media, as well as “that everybody was informed in advance” about yesterday’s police action, President Vucic urged KFOR to publicly state that fact – whom they have informed.

B92: ''KFOR's explanation, little tension yesterday, we all knew, we do not interfere'' (TV Prva)

KFOR spokesman Vincenzo Grasso says that yesterday's action of the Kosovo special police units was regular, and that in fact the biggest threat to peace are politicians and the media.

Asked about the situation in Kosovo this morning, Grasso says it is under control.

"Yesterday there was little tension, but luckily it was in isolated locations and it was completed during the day, so I have to say that it is peaceful," he said, during the inclusion in the morning program of Belgrade based TV Prva.

KFOR: Action against crime, we do not interfere (RTS)

KFOR has confirmed there is a Kosovo police operation ongoing, in line with the Pristina’s prosecution request and it takes place in an entire Kosovo, claiming same as the Kosovo government, that the action in the north of Kosovo is a fight against the crime, RTS reported.

KFOR Spokesperson Grasso said the action is not directed against the Serbs, but against the people suspected of taking part in corruption and criminal activities. He added KFOR monitors the situation.

German soldiers to remain in KFOR, government says (N1, FoNet)

Germany will keep its soldiers in Kosovo as part of KFOR for another year because the situation there is unstable, Deutsche Welle reported.

The German government took the decision to keep the Bundeswehr troops in KFOR because it feels that the potential exists for conflicts, especially in the north of Kosovo, it said.

Covic: Realistic danger for Serbs in north of Kosovo, prudent in Berlin (RTS)

Former head of the Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija, Nebojsa Covic told RTS he thinks there is a realistic danger of new conflicts because “Kosovo attempts to roundup its sovereignty.” According to him, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emanuel Macron want to overcome the problems in Kosovo and continue the dialogue, however that is not possible, Covic stressed.

KFOR Commander: Albanian soldiers won’t be deployed in north Kosovo (FoNet, N1)

The Commander of the US Bondsteel base in Kosovo Colonel Roy Macaraeg denied on Wednesday rumors that 500 Albanian soldiers would be positioned in the KFOR Nothing Hill camp in the north and said that 70-strong international force would remain there, the FoNet news agency reported.

The Colonel said that some 800 US, Polish, Turkish and Albanian soldiers were stationed in Bondsteel.

Serbian military brass warns against "any coup attempts" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbia's top military officials met on Tuesday in Belgrade for a session of the Collegium of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff.

According to announcements before the meeting, they discussed security situation in the country and its surroundings.

The Serbian Army will not allow any attempts at a coup and warns that anyone announcing and demanding a coup should be held responsible in line with the law, a statement issued after the meeting said.