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Border demarcation to reunite opposition parties? (Kallxo)

Officials from the three opposition parties – Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have not ruled out the possibility of joining their forces to oppose the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. The agreement is expected to be put to vote at the Kosovo Assembly within two months. Vetëvendosje spokesperson Frashër Krasniqi said the future protest could be called in cooperation with other opposition parties.

Police: Seselj will be arrested if he enters Kosovo (

After Vojislav Seselj’s announcements that he will arrive today in Mitrovica North to hold a pre-election campaign speech at a gathering, Kosovo Police announced that it possesses an arrest warrant and that it is determined to implement it.

Deputy Director of the Kosovo Police, north, Besim Hoti, said that the leader of Serbian radicals will not be allowed to enter through the border points with Serbia.

Tahiri: We will not discuss Kosovo assets with Serbia (

Kosovo’s dialogue minister Edita Tahiri said the statement of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic that Trepca mine belongs to Serbia is part of his election campaign. “The media know that in time of campaigns, there are illusionary statements made for political marketing aims,” Tahiri said in an interview.  Tahiri dismissed possibility of the Trepca mine ownership issue being discussed in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade saying that this is one of Pristina’s red lines. “Our position on Trepca and other Kosovo state assets has been made clear in Brussels.

Report on demarcation to be announced today ( Kosova/Gazeta Express)

The three international experts,  Fletcher Burton, Herbert Wilmes and Fred Newton will make public today their report on the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro. The Office of the President of Kosovo, informed that the findings of the three-member team will be made public today at 17:30 hours at a press conference. The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, will also participate at the press conference.

SAA to enter into force on 1 April (

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of European Integration, Ramadan Ilazi, said today that the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union will enter into force on 1 April. “The SAA enters into force on 1 April this year. Its implementation period will be ten years and will be reviewed after five years,” Ilazi said. Meanwhile, Artan Collaku, director of the Stabilization and Association process at the European Integration Ministry today presented the main goals of the SAA.

Schools closed due to heavy rain in Peja/Pec (

The heavy rain which started last night and continues today has caused flooding across many neighborhoods in Peja/Pec. Media report that most streets are blocked and it is impossible for vehicles to pass through those areas due to floods, while all the schools in the city were closed for today. The Mayor of Peja/Pec, Gazmend Muhaxhiri, said they are trying to get the situation under control. "We have informed Kosovo Police and Kosovo Security Force. Intervention teams are in the field trying to prevent major floods.

Court decides for Albin Kurti (

The house arrest for the former leader of the Vetevendosje Movement and Kosovo Assembly MP Albin Kurti, was extended today. According to his Court appointed lawyer, Hadije Ademi, Kurti will be in house arrest until 17 February of the next year. Kurti was arrested on 28 November in Pristina after participating and holding a speech at a gathering of the opposition parties.  He was indicted under suspicion of throwing teargas during the sessions at Assembly Hall.

Kocijancic: We expect August 25 agreement to be implemented (

The European Union is calling on Pristina and Belgrade to implement the duties that are included in the agreement for the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. One day after the Constitutional Court of Kosovo suspended the agreement until a decision on its constitutional compliance is made, officials in Brussels say that the agreement reached on August 25 between Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers must be implemented.

Kosovo government greets incident-less visit by Serbian pilgrims to Gjakova (

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo issued a press release on Saturday greeting “the incident-less accomplishment of Serbian pilgrims’ visits at the church in Gjakova, as well as in churches, monasteries and cemeteries in several other towns in Kosovo”.

500 scholarships for RAE communities in Kosovo (

Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science and Technology awarded 500 study scholarships for children of RAE communities in Kosovo. Minister of Education, Arsim Bajrami, said that awarding these scholarships shows that it’s a priority for his ministry that these children be integrated as equal citizens of Kosovo. Krystyna Marty Lang from the Swiss Embassy in Kosovo noted that more than half of these scholarships were awarded to girls.