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“Vucic to meet Guterres” (Blic)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic would meet tomorrow with the UN SG Antonio Guterres in New York, Blic daily unofficially learns.

“Vucic have met already with people from the UN and USA administration, from whom he requested support in resolving the Kosovo issue. The meeting with Guterres is planned for Wednesday,” source from diplomatic cycles told Blic daily.

According to Blic, Vucic’s visit to New York is a continuation of a diplomatic offensive that is already ongoing.

“West sick of Kosovo story, wants speedy solution” (BETA, Sputnik, B92, TV Most)

Leader of Peoples Party (Vuk Jeremic) told Sputnik that Pristina’s allies got sick of Kosovo story and want to reach a solution as soon as possible.

Jeremic added, membership of Kosovo to the UN is not as much important to Pristina as it is important to its allies in the international arena, who would like “to conclude the story they got sick of”.

Drecun: There is no need for the region to be on the line of fire between the US and Russia (RTS)

Chairman of the Committee for KiM Milovan Drecun told RTS that senior US official Wess Mitchell has come to send a message that the Kosovo issue will be treated in the context of their geopolitical confrontation with Russia and that they will continue to have a one-sided approach to the Kosovo problem.

Milovan Drecun says that it is clear that there is no "American package for Kosovo" about which the media speculates.

Internal dialogue on Kosovo: Former foreign ministers on “four don’ts” (Insajder, BETA)

Former Serbian Foreign Minister, Vladislav Jovanovic said yesterday during the roundtable held within the framework of internal dialogue on Kosovo, that forgotten document related to the renewed accession of Serbia to the UN could be crucial in solving the Kosovo issue, Insajder portal reported.

Meanwhile, his colleague Zivorad Jovanovic said Serbia should pay attention to four things that Belgrade in no way must do.

“UN chief presenting new report, and Kosovo won't like it” (Tanjug, B92)

UN Security Council is meeting in New York today to discuss the latest Kosovo report filed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Tanjug news agency reports.

The report concerns the work of UN's mission in Kosovo and Metohija, UNMIK, and covers the period from mid-October until mid-January.

Belgrade is represented at the Council's session by First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

"Sharp criticism to Pristina from UN" (RTS)

Report on Kosovo is ready and the UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutters would present it to the Security Council on February 7, Serbian national broadcaster, RTS writes on its webpage.

The report notes the murder of Oliver Ivanovic as one of the most difficult events in the last three months. Gutters also criticizes authorities in Pristina, saying “there are setbacks” in relation to the Special Court for KLA crimes and that only 498 people returned to Kosovo in 2017, which is the lowest number since 2000, RTS reports.

Jeremic: Vucic plans to trade Kosovo for audience with Merkel (BETA, B92)

People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic says President Aleksandar Vucic is not capable of reaching a favorable compromise deal on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

According to the former foreign minister, Vucic is "preparing to allow Pristina to get a chair in the UN, at the request of foreigners, and in return get only a one-day visit to German Chancellor Angela Merkel."

Paunovic called on the UN to determine the human rights situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based Tanjug news agency reports that Serbia from 2013 until now requested from the eight contracting bodies of United Nations that UNMIK reports on the application of the standards of valid conventions on the territory of Kosovo.
Director of the Office for Human and Minority Rights Suzana Paunovic said yesterday and called on the UN Human Rights Council to inspect the human rights situation in that part of territory, reports the agency.