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Diplomatic fight of Serbia for votes in UNESCO (Politika)

Possible Kosovo membership in the UNESCO would not change the status of the Serbian cultural heritage which is located in that area, because legally it is ownership of the Serbian Orthodox Church. But Serbia would then have to initiate diplomatic struggle, in order to certify the precise formulation of the orthodox cultural heritage in that territory, referring to it as Serbian, said Darko Tanaskovic, Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO.

Establishment of special court affirms state sovereignty (Koha Ditore)

According to the writer of this editorial peace, Halil Matoshi, the request of Kosovo allies to establish the special court for the alleged war crimes is a confirmation of Kosovo’s sovereignty as a subject of the international justice. If the opposite was the case, considers Matoshi, then, based on Resolution 1244, the United Nations together with Serbia, would establish a court which would have jurisdiction over Kosovo.

Vetevendosje: Impossible for UN to establish special court (RTK)

Analysts in Kosovo have repeatedly warned that the possible establishment of the special court by the UN would be damaging for Kosovo but Vetevendosje thinks differently. Its deputy leader Aida Derguti said in an interview for Radio Kosova that if the UN was to establish the court, this would produce two new developments.  “We believe it is impossible for the UN to establish the court for Kosovo because, to do so, a court would need to recognised the territory of Kosovo and its borders.

Janjic: For Serbia remained a delicate issue (RTS)

The interest of Serbia is to pass, as soon as possible, from the phase of talks in Brussels to the talks on joining the EU, said the president of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dusan Janjic.

Visiting the RTS, Janjic said that in order to open chapters in Brussels on 23 June, would be enough to "take off" the remaining four points of the 11, the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities, telecommunications, energy and Peace Park.

Deleting the preamble of the Constitution is the signal that the Serbian government is ready for further concessions (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Program Director of the Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) Pavle Dimitrijevic said today that the deletion of the preamble of the Constitution of Serbia will be a signal that the Serbian government is ready for further concessions related to the Kosovo. "Deleting of preamble from the Serbian Constitution will above all have political impact. That is political signal that relates to the shift in politics, in the sense of ignoring, or giving up, UN SC Resolution 1244 which has so far been a stronghold of the Serbian Government in any negotiations and foreign policy, when it comes to Kosovo.

Thaci in Oslo: Dialogue will result in Kosovo’s UN membership (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci said in a lecture at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) that Kosovo needed to diversify its foreign policy and focus not only on increasing the number of recognitions but also its membership in international organisations. He said however that Kosovos’ top priority is Euro-Atlantic integration. “We are also quite engaged on making the visa liberalization for our people happen as soon as possible as we are the last Balkans republic that cannot move freely to Europe”, said Thaci.

For Vucic would be very difficult to explain Kosovo in UN (Blic)

West will demand from Serbia to allow Kosovo's membership in the United Nations, but it needs to pass some time.

Thus for Blic, commented Aleksandar Popov, director of the Centre for Regionalism, findings of Blic that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will demand from Serbia to regulate relations with Pristina on the model of the eastern and western Germany in the period up to 1990, which did not block each other in the UN, although they were not mutually recognized.

Vucic and Mustafa in Brussels on 23 June (Danas)

Political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should continue on June 23, when prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa should meet in Brussels, learned Danas.  As stated, Vucic and Mustafa should discuss and possibly put initials on “solutions that the teams for technical talks will agree till then.”

Hyseni lobbying in New York for Kosovo’s membership of Interpol (Express)

Kosovo’s Minister for Interior Affairs, Skender Hyseni, is on a three-day visit to New York to meet the United Nations law enforcement representatives as well as permanent representative of different countries to the UN. Hyseni met Stefan Feller, the United Nations Police Advisor in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and briefed him on the content of Kosovo’s application for membership of Interpol. Hyseni highlighted strong arguments why Kosovo should join Interpol and called on UN agencies to support Kosovo’s bid.

Mustafa: Kosovo ready to join UNESCO (Kosovapress)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa met the UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous with whom he discussed the political situation in Kosovo and the region.

Prime Minister Mustafa informed Ladsous about priorities of the Kosovo government, about sustainable economic development, rule of law, fight against corruption and organised crime and Euro-Atlantic integration.