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Mustafa: Kosovo to improve the business climate (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today that the government of Kosovo is committed to increase the safety of investors, whereas the new strategy will also improve the business climate.  “Kosovo's economy has had a growth rate, but this rate fails to absorb the number of unemployed in Kosovo,” Mustafa said.  Mustafa made these comments at the first meeting of the National Council for Economic Development.

Kosovo aims to become part of the World Health Organization (Koha)

The first regional Conference for Education and Health Promotion was held today in Pristina, where it was said that the importance of health promotion is key to Kosovo institutions. The conference was attended by representatives of regional countries.  Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said that health is very important and together with economic development and education are the priorities of the government program.  He said that Kosovo aims to become part of the World Health Organisation.

Opposition demands the government to cease any activity related to special court (Koha)

The leaders of the opposition parties through an open letter addressed to the President Atifete Jahjaga, Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, demanded the government of Kosovo to immediately cease any activity related to the special court. The letter stressed that the constitutional amendments for the establishment of the special court violate the constitutional provisions regarding the sovereignty of judiciary.

Zbogar: Mustafa to keep his promises (RTKLive)

The working groups of Kosovo and the European Union on the Reform of Public Administration met today in Pristina. The head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said that the Public Administration Reform is the basis of development of a society, adding that Kosovo side must act and that the work on the reform of the administration should not remain only in documents and speeches. Zbogar also said that the Prime Minister  Isa Mustafa should keep the promises he made for the Public Administration Reform.

Mustafa: greater care for children - everyone's obligation (KosovaPress)

On the International Children’s Day, Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said that Children's Day is an occasion that also in Kosovo people to raise their voice against child abuse and discrimination. “Children today are being used in armed conflicts, they can be found today on the streets, but they are also suppressed because they belong to different religions, different minority groups and because they are disabled ...

Vucic and Mustafa in Brussels on 23 June (Danas)

Political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should continue on June 23, when prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa should meet in Brussels, learned Danas.  As stated, Vucic and Mustafa should discuss and possibly put initials on “solutions that the teams for technical talks will agree till then.”

Kosovo requests international investigation on Kumanovo (Klan Kosova)

During the works of the Vienna Economic Forum in Tirana, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa met with his counterpart from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Nikola Gruevski.

Their meeting took place at Tirana’s “Congress Palace.”  They discussed the recent events in Kumanovo. “We discussed the issue of Kumanovo, and we have requested an international investigation on Kumanovo conflict,” Mustafa reportedly told Albanian media after the meeting.

Mustafa: We should resolve disagreements with Serbia through dialogue (Klan Kosova)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, stated during his speech at the Vienna Economic Forum which is being held in Tirana, that it is important to build peace in this part of Europe in order for the people to live in better conditions.

“We will transform our disagreements into bridges of cooperation, this is our goal, as Kosovo,” said Mustafa. According to him, Kosovo will overcome its current challenges through cooperation with the other countries of the region.

Mustafa: Kosovo ready to join UNESCO (Kosovapress)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa met the UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous with whom he discussed the political situation in Kosovo and the region.

Prime Minister Mustafa informed Ladsous about priorities of the Kosovo government, about sustainable economic development, rule of law, fight against corruption and organised crime and Euro-Atlantic integration.