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Haradinaj’s lawyer dismisses reports his client is wanted by special court (Telegrafi)

The lawyer for AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj, Arianit Koci, responded to the statements of the Serbian war crimes prosecutor Milan Petrovic that his client will be handed over to the specialist chambers by calling them untrue and speculations. Koci recalled the statement of the special court spokesperson, Avis Benes, earlier in the month saying that Haradinaj was not detained in France on the mandate of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. “We also heard from Ms.

"Haradinaj could become KLA crimes court's first case" (B92, DW, Blic, RTS, KIM radio)

According to Deutsche Welle, talk about the possibility of France extraditing Ramush Haradinaj to the Special Court for KLA crimes is growing louder.

The head of the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution, Milan Petrovic, confirmed that this is a possibility, the German broadcaster said in a report published on its Serbian service website.

Sherifi: Thaçi planned participation in Brussels despite tensions between Kosovo and Serbia (

Kosovo government spokesperson, Arban Abrashi, confirmed for the portal that the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi, will participate together with the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, at the meeting that will be held on Tuesday in Brussels.

Protesters In Kosovo Demand France Release Former Prime Minister Haradinaj (RFE)

Thousands of people gathered in Pristina on January 21 in a demonstration calling for France to release Kosovo's former prime minister -- who was being held there on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia.

Former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, a Kosovo Albanian wartime guerrilla commander, was arrested in Paris on January 4 under the international warrant.

LDK tells how to avoid Serbian provocations (Indeksonline)

 Deputy Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Haki Rugova, said that continuous provocations from the Serbian state could be avoided only by political wisdom and cooperation between the government and opposition.  He said that support of the international friends is also required. He praised PM Mustafa for managing the situation with the train from Serbia.

Hoxhaj in France over Haradinaj’s detention (Koha)

The French Embassy in Kosovo announced in a statement that the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, is scheduled to meet today Kosovo’s Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj. The meeting is expected to focus on the detention of the AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj by French authorities on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia. Kosovo authorities are making efforts to secure Haradinaj’s release.

Azem Syla, Ramush Haradinaj and Shukri Buja in the INTERPOL list (RTK)

The list of the 157 Kosovars wanted by INTERPOL for different criminal offences with the request of Serbia, is reduced on 22 individuals.

According to RTK, names of the senior institutional officials and former KLA commanders of different zones, used to figure in the previous lists, however not in the most recent one.

AAK’s Lekaj wants the Mitrovica North wall to be treated the same as the Serbian train (Koha)

The head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group Pal Lekaj said today at the Assembly session that the situation in the Balkans and Kosovo is not calm. Commenting on the actions of Kosovo institutions to prevent the Belgrade-Mitrovica train from reaching its destination, Lekaj said that the government should show the same determination with regards to the Mitrovica North wall instead of fighting for who will take more credit for sending the Kosovo Police units to the north.