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Nenad Lazic deputy head of KJC (Koha)

Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) held today its regular meeting supervised by the head of this Council, Nehat Idrizi.

Based on the Constitution of Kosovo, Article 108, point 7, Law number 03/L-223, on the Judicial Council, Article 6 and Regulation on organization and activity of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Article 5, point 4, the Council nominated today Nenand Lazic, judge at the Court of Appeals in Pristina and member of the KJC since July 2006, nominated by the Assembly of Kosovo, deputy head of the Kosovo Judicial Court.

Prosecutor requests return of Vetevendosje activists in jail (GazetaExpress)

The prosecution appealed against the decision of the Basic Court in Pristina, which left three from the six arrested Vetvendosje activists suspected for the attack on the Kosovo Assembly building using explosive device, in house arrest.

The Special Prosecutor, Abdurrahim Islami, who submitted the appeal at the Court of Appeals, said that the suspects acted as a group and each of them plaid their role. “Some worked on planning and organizing, some on ensuring means, but they all acted as a group,” Islami said.

Special Prosecution files indictment against Lutfi Haziri (

The Special Prosecution of Kosovo has filed indictment for Lutfi Haziri, mayor of Gjilan. According to the indictment, Haziri is suspected to have abused with his official authority and to have exceeded his competencies, with the intention of profiting for himself and other individuals, by violating the rights of the other participants at public auctions. The Prosecutor of this case has requested from the court to proclaim the defendant guilty of committing crime and to sentence him according to the law.

AAK: We expect further details from the police regarding the arrests of Vetëvendosje activists (

Kosovo Police arrested today six Vetëvendosje activists for possessing arms in their houses. The Spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Muharrem Nitaj said that they do not possess information on what happened and added that it is very difficult for them to make an assessment regarding the arrests.

Conflicting politics makes Kosovo insecure (Kosova Sot)

According to the front page editorial of this daily, abuse with power in Kosovo is not stopping while judicial reflection or moral reaction of the incriminated protagonists is desperate. “Abusive government officials do not feel the slightest regret for the major harm caused to Kosovo, while competent officials appear to be competent only to remain silent.

The court to decide on Azem Syla today (Klan Kosova)

The lawyer of the former Assembly MP, Azem Syla, Tomë Gashi, announced that the Basic Court in Pristina will decide today on whether to release or to extend Syla’s detention for additional three months. Gashi informed that the initial four month detention is over, and the Court will hold a special session to decide on the request of the EULEX prosecutor to extend Syla’s and the other suspects’ detention for additional three months.

Rrustem Mustafa – Remi released on bail (RTK)

The request of the former KLA commander of Llapi operative zone, and former MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Rrustem Mustafa, for release on bail, was approved. “Rrustem Mustafa will be released on 14 July 2016 and he will be under supervision of Kosovo’s Probation Service until 1 April 2017,” is written in the verdict of the Panel for release on bail, with Emine Kqiku, head of the panel and Sevdije Morina and Muhamet Berisha, members of the panel.