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Serbia-Kosovo Talks Hit a Snag (InSerbia)

The stalling talks in Brussels on the normalization of ties between Serbia and Kosovo could grind to a virtual standstill if Kosovo’s opposition parties join in, but Nataliya Apostolova, the new head of the EU office in Kosovo, did not rule this out.

During a meeting with Edita Tahiri, who leads a Kosovo delegation at the talks, Apostolova said bringing the Kosovo opposition on board could help speed up the negotiations.

Kosovo government insists offer to discuss demarcation is serious (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, is expected to step up his efforts to resolve the dispute among political parties on the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro as soon as he returns from his trip to the US. Mustafa’s advisor, Faton Abdullahu, said the offer to discuss border demarcation is serious and is aimed at enabling all sides to present their facts. “The invitation should not be viewed or analysed based on who will shift their position, who will return the issue back to the beginning or on other things of such nature. The main thing it to present facts”, said Abdullahu.

Border demarcation to reunite opposition parties? (Kallxo)

Officials from the three opposition parties – Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have not ruled out the possibility of joining their forces to oppose the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. The agreement is expected to be put to vote at the Kosovo Assembly within two months. Vetëvendosje spokesperson Frashër Krasniqi said the future protest could be called in cooperation with other opposition parties.

Opposition Collapse Relieves Pressure on Kosovo PM (Balkan Insight)

A seven-month-long struggle of the unified opposition against the Kosovo government has ended in undignified collapse following the election of the former head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, Hashim Thaci, as President of Kosovo.

The virtual break-up of the opposition bloc puts the ruling coalition, led by the PDK, and Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, on firmer ground, just as the hotly contested implementation of a law establishing an autonomous Association of Serbian Municipalities looms.

Deda: Low chances for opposition's joint election list (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje Movement MP Ilir Deda said today that chances are very low for opposition parties to create a joint election list. “It is now clear that chances are low for opposition parties to come up with a joint election list. This is of great regret since the opposition could win the elections only if united and with a clear government program,” Deda said. He stressed that the only option left is for the new generation to join politics and offer alternative policy to solve problems.

Hasani: Coalition achieved its goal, now we can talk about elections (Koha)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP, Nait Hasani, said yesterday that the ruling-coalition achieved its goal by electing Hashim Thaci as Kosovo President, and that now they can discuss early elections. He also said the opposition must discuss this issue with President Thaci now. “Thaci can declare early elections and all political parties should meet and discuss this matter,” Hasani said.

Opposition to use vuvuzelas during Thaci's inauguration ceremony tomorrow (Indeksonline)

The three opposition parties – Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – are planning to use vuvuzelas, among other things, to impede the inauguration ceremony for Kosovo President Hashim Thaci which will be held tomorrow at Skenderbeu square in Pristina.