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Tension in Kosovo after election of Thaci as President of Kosovo (KIM radio, B92, Politika)

The political situation in Kosovo after the election of Hashim Thaci as President has been rather tense. The Kosovo opposition, unsatisfied with Thaci's election, but also with the agreement on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO), announced a new demonstration.

"EU trying to force Serbia to give up on Kosovo" (B92, KIM radio, TV Most)

Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said that there has been no specific progress after the Belgrade-Pristina agreement on normalization of relations.

He also said that a majority in the EU was trying to force Belgrade to abandon its position on the Kosovo issue, "step by step, in negotiations for EU membership."

Dacic to attend UNSC meeting on UN Chief's Kosovo report (B92)

A regular meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Kosovo will be held in New York on Monday.

Serbia will be represented by the country's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

The session will discuss the latest report of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, and the situation there over the previous three-month period.

The report is expected to be presented by UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin.

A bomb was thrown at the house of a Serb near Gnjilane / Gjilan (B92)

On Thursday around 20:30 unknown person threw a bomb on a house of Stevan Jancic in the village Pasjane, in Kosovo - Pomoravlje District. There were no injured persons in the attack said the Mayor of Pasjane, Dragan Nikolić. He told Beta news agency that this was a terrorist act that caused unrest among the Serbs who live in that part of Kosovo- Pomoravlje district.  "The bomb exploded in the yard of the house which is located in the centre of the village.


US military police in Kosovo (Akter)

US military police has completed preparations for participation in the mission in Kosovo, the US Army announced. The police are at a training center in the German city of Hohenfels.

Members of the 527 military police troops soon will be sent to Bondsteel military base in Kosovo.

Their task will be to "ensure the security and freedom of movement for the people of Kosovo," the statement said.


President will sign agreement with NATO into law (Dailies)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will sign into law an agreement with NATO related to logistics that was recently confirmed in the National Assembly. This is according to Belgrade-based daily Danas.

"The president sees nothing new or controversial in the law that would stand out in comparison with anything in the past related to cooperation between Serbia and NATO, which conditioned this legal act," the paper writes on Friday, citing top state leadership sources.


PM: We need NATO as ally to protect people in Kosovo (Dailies)

Aleksandar Vucic has said that Serbia "remains militarily neutral, but needs NATO as an ally to protect the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija."

Vucic reacted to the criticism in the media - originating from a part of "the right-wing" opposition over an agreement with NATO granting its members freedom of movement and immunity - by saying it amounted to "political hypocrisy of those who thump their chest as the protectors of Kosovo and Serbs in Kosovo but were unable to even protect mosques."


Serbia celebrates Statehood Day (Dailies)

Serbia celebrates Statehood Day on Monday February 15 - to mark this day in 1804, and later in 1835.

The first Serbian uprising against occupying Ottoman Turkish forces was launched on February 15, 1805, and lasted until 1813.

The uprising was led by Djordje Petrovic, known as Karadjordje, and paved the way for the Second Uprising in 1815 that resulted in the renewal of the Serbian state.


Djuric: Isa Mustafa is lying (Klan Kosova)

The Director for Kosovo at the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, told Serbian media that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa is misinterpreting the result of the most recent round of talks between Pristina and Belgrade, especially regarding the statute of the Association/Community for Serb-majority Municipalities.

"If Schengen collapses, repercussions for W. Balkans" (B92, Tanjug, Nezavisne Novosti)

Western Balkan countries would be worst hit by the collapse of Schengen, Slovakia's Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak has warned.

Lajcak also believes the conditions have not been met for Bosnia-Herzegovina to become a candidate country for EU membership in February.

He has also called on the authorities in the Republika Srpska (RS) "to stop threatening with a referendum."