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Stefanovic: The state of full combat readiness continues; not true that KFOR informed us (RTS)

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic spoke this morning for the RTS morning news where he said that the army of Serbia and the police remain in full combat readiness, following the Kosovo special forces incursion in the North of Kosovo. Stefanovic adds it will remain so if there are estimations that it is necessary.

Speaking about KFOR's allegations that Belgrade was informed of the action, the minister said it was an attempt to make a spin and that it was absolutely incorrect.

Protest in Mitrovica, Serbs will remain in Kosovo (RTS)

Radio television of Serbia reported that due to yesterday's action of special forces of the Kosovo police, a peaceful protest was held in the northern part of Mitrovica.

The leader of the Serbian list Goran Rakic said that one who was strong do not show the force over the elderly and sick, as it happened yesterday.

Gracanica Mayor: The meeting a confirmation of unity between state top and the Serbian List (RTS)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic to meet today political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo.

Gracanica Mayor Srdjan Popovic told RTS that the meeting will confirm the unity between the state top and the Serbian List.

Before the session of the Serbian parliament on Kosovo scheduled for Monday, Vucic will speak with the political representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo in the Palace Serbia.

''Pristina trying to draw attention away from their own crimes'' (RTS, Beta, N1)

A Serbian ruling party official and Chairman of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun says that the authorities in Pristina are trying to draw attention away from investigations against key figures of the war-time Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) by claiming that Serbia committed genocide.

No countermeasures by Belgrade to Pristina’s taxes? (KoSSev)

The Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced in mid-April that Belgrade’s first countermeasures to Pristina’s taxes would arrive ‘around St. George’s Day.’ The decision on the countermeasures, however, has not been made yet.

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce stated that the reciprocity to this measure would not have a big effect due to the small size of imports of goods from Kosovo, while any other type of countermeasures would jeopardize Serbia’s political position.

Todic: Elections organised in an ambiance of fear and uncertainty (RTS)

Elections for the mayors of four municipalities will be held on Sunday in the north of Kosovo, RTS reports. In the next five days, candidates will have the right to hold rallies and present themselves to voters.

Zoran Todic, a Serbian List candidate for Mayor of Leposavic municipality told RTS that the elections are organized in an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. He invited all citizens who have the right to vote to go to the polls.

"Balkan Exodus": Six million people have left region (B92, RTS)

EBRD analyses show that during migrations, highly qualified personnel rather than those with average knowledge and skills leave regional countries.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) President Suma Chakrabarti told RTS that migration of skilled workers has a negative effect on productivity, and that negative growth effects can also lead to the departure of low-skilled labor.

Initiative to include the Presevo Valley in the dialogue (KIM radio, RTS)

The President of the National Council of Albanians Ragmi Mustafa, Bujanovac Mayor Shaip Kamberi and a member of the Serbian Parliament Fatmir Hasani, sent an initiative for the inclusion of the Presevo Valley into the final phase of the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, reports KIM radio, quoting Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

The initiative was sent to the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini, Hashim Thaci and the coordinators of the Kosovo delegation, Shpend Ahmeti and Fatmir Limaj.

Serbian FM Dacic: Berlin Summit isn’t format for Belgrade – Pristina talks (RTS, Beta, N1)

Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s Foreign Minister, said on Tuesday the mini-summit of the Western Balkans' leaders held in Berlin was not an adequate format for the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalisation of relations, the Beta news agency reported.

He told Serbia's state RTS television the Berlin meeting had been chosen as a “preparation” for the organisers’ total pressure on Serbia.

Adopted appeal of the Serbian list, the candidates go to the polls (Tanjug, RTS)

The candidates of the Serbian List will be able to take part in the elections for the presidents of the municipalities in the Kosovo north, because the appeal they filed has been accepted, Belgrade based news agency Tanjug reported.

The CEC's Appeal Panel in Pristina adopted the appeal of the Serbian List, whose candidates were not confirmed yesterday.