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CeSID: 44 percent of citizens against delimitation in Kosovo (N1, Blic)

The delimitation between Serbia and Kosovo, as a solution to the Kosovo problem, is supported by 25 percent of respondents, while 44 percent do not support it, according to the latest poll conducted by the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID), reported Belgrade-based daily Blic, N1 is quoting.

CeSID conducted the opinion poll from September 5 to 20, covering 1,510 Serbia’s citizens over 18 years of age in a door-to-door survey.

European Parliament for any agreement between Serbia and Kosovo, in line with international law (RTS)

The foreign policy committee of the European Parliament tomorrow should adopt the text of the report on Serbia, which includes a compromise amendment on the possible correction of the borders between Serbia and Kosovo, reports Radio Television Serbia (RTS).

"Any agreement can only be accepted if it is mutually consistent and in line with the overall stability of the region and international law," the text of the agreed amendment states.

McAllister: Accept Serbia's proposal; Merkel: NEIN (B92, Blic)

Belgrade-based daily Blic writes today, in an article ''EU asks Merkel to accept a deal between Belgrade and Pristina'', that European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister has asked the German chancellor to accept a solution to the Kosovo problem that Serbia proposes.

The daily Blic is citing a source from diplomatic circles in Berlin. According to the daily, McAllister, recently met with Angela Merkel and expressed his views on this sensitive issue.

KFOR only armed force in Kosovo, Serbian FM Dacic says (RTS, BETA, TV N1)

Official Belgrade’s view is that KFOR is the only armed force that can be present in Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday.

Dacic told public broadcaster RTS that the plans to form an armed force in Kosovo, which run counter to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, will be discussed by President Aleksandar Vucic and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg next week.

NATO use of depleted uranium in Yugoslavia was ecocide on planetary scale — expert (TASS)

The Serbian expert compared the use of depleted uranium in Yugoslavia to the 1945 nuclear attack on Japan.

BELGRADE, October 5. /TASS/. The use of munitions containing depleted uranium during NATO's 1999 bombing of Yugolavia was an "ecocide on a planetary scale," a prominent Serbian expert on environmental issues, Prof. Velimir Nedeljkovic, has said.

Ambassador of Morocco to Serbia: We support the sovereignty of Serbia (Blic)

Morocco supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, and the two countries have excellent cooperation in international organizations and forums, said the ambassador of that country in Belgrade Mohammed Amine Belhaj, reports Belgrade-based daily Blic.

He stressed that there is no room for separatism in Serbia and reiterated that Morocco did not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

NATO chief to visit Belgrade October 6-8 (B92, Tanjug)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will be visiting Belgrade October 6-8, NATO has announced.

According to a press release, during the visit Stoltenberg will meet with President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.
On October 8, Stoltenberg will join Vucic for the opening ceremony of the civil emergency exercise "Srbija 2018", co-organized by the NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center (EADRCC) and the Serbian Ministry of Interior, NATO said.

Vecernje Novosti: Putin in Serbia around December 19th

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti reports today on the visit of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to Moscow and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The daily writes that the Russian Federation and Putin personally will continue to strongly support the territorial integrity of Serbia and its diplomatic fight for Kosovo in all international institutions, including the UN, while at the same time encouraging the position of military neutrality and autonomy in Serbia's decision-making.

EU blackmailed: behind the scenes of Kosovo-Serbia talks (EU Observer)

Talk of "border correction" by Serbia's president Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's Hashim Thaci is a distraction from what is really going on behind the scenes - blackmail of the EU for political and personal reasons.

The border idea - for Pristina to give north Kosovo (an ethnic Serb enclave) to Belgrade, in return for the Presevo Valley (an Albanian enclave in Serbia) - was first floated by Vucic (although in different terms) last year.

See at:


Vucic says Putin is "definitely coming to Serbia" (Tanjug, B92)

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is definitely coming to Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists in Moscow.

After his talks with the head of the Russian state on Tuesday, Vucic said that Putin had asked his aides to set a date for his visit to Serbia.

This means that Putin will definitely visit Serbia, Vucic said.

"If Putin had just said, 'I'll come', that would not mean that the visit would necessarily be realized," Vucic explained.

"We're far from solution"