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Albanian lobbyists, Clinton Foundation drafting resolution to make Pristina UN observer (InSerbia, Sputnik, B92)

Following the announcement of internal dialogue on Kosovo, Albanian lobbyists are busily preparing a resolution for the UN in order to give Kosovo a chair.

According to Sputnik, lobbyists in America are working on the draft, helped by the Clinton Foundation, and their plan is for Kosovo to gain the status of “an observer state,” modeled after Palestine.

Bus departures canceled as 100s of Albanians leave Kosovo (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

For several nights in a row, hundreds of people have been arriving at the bus station in Pristina, looking for ways to reach the countries of Western Europe.

RTS reported this late on Thursday.

Many people are at the station when there are no departures, except for Belgrade - and Belgrade, they say, is the first step on their way to Western Europe.


UN ‘Must Compensate All Kosovo Lead Poison Victims’ (Balkan Insight)

The UN’s failure to compensate victims of lead poisoning at UN-run camps for people displaced by the Kosovo war left families struggling to care for sick relatives, says a Human Rights Watch report.

In a new report published on Thursday, Human Rights Watch calls on the United Nations to pay individual compensation to Kosovo Roma victims affected by lead contamination in the UN-run camps for war-displaced people in Kosovo.

Details emerging about arrest in Kosovo of displaced Serb (B92, Politika)

The lawyer of a Serb who was arrested in Kosovo claims his client was detained based on the statements made by one person, and with no evidence whatsoever.

Dejan Vasic told the Belgrade daily Politika that the defense team of Bogdan Mitrovic has submitted to the war crimes prosecutor in Pristina a proposal to present evidence and hear witnesses.

Government officials react after being stopped at Jarinje (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo police have prevented Education Minister Mladen Sarcevic and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric from entering Kosovo.

They were stopped on Monday at Jarinje - an administrative crossing between Kosovo and central Serbia.

Tanjug is reporting that Sarcevic and Djuric were on their way to Kosovska Mitorivca, where they were to open a student health-care institution at the Student Center.

Kosovo’s membership at INTERPOL, unacceptable for Serbia (RTK)

Head of Serbia’s Parliamentarian Commission for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun, said that Kosovo’s efforts for membership at Interpol, are unacceptable for the Serbian state.

“It is unacceptable to us for a self-proclaimed state to become member of Interpol. Eventual membership at Interpol would give them a short access to pressing charges and putting them directly into power, without mediation from UNMIK,” Drecun said.

Krivokapic:  No one knows when integrated judiciary would revive (Kontkat plus radio)

A judge, Jelena Krivokapic, stated that decent citizens are the biggest losers due to postponement of the implementation of the agreement on the integrated judiciary in Kosovo, Kontakt plus radio reported. Krivokapic also said, at this moment, no one knows when the integrated judiciary shall revive.

“We should start solving the problem. That is crucial for me. The problem exists for 17 years and we should start to resolve it”.

Asked, what is the status of the Serbian judges and prosecutors in Kosovo, Krivokapic responded – unchanged.

About Kosovo membership to Interpol on 26 September (Insajder)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa and Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni are optimistic that Kosovo would join Interpol at the event scheduled for 26 September in Beijing, Serbian informative portal Insajder reported yesterday late in the afternoon.

PM Mustafa said he has received invitation to attend the Interpol Assembly as a Prime Minister, where Kosovo membership to Interpol is on the agenda and he hopes it will happen (that Kosovo becomes a member).

International Day of Missing Persons, gatherings in Gracanica and Pristina (Serbian media)

On the occasion of the International Day of Missing Persons, gatherings would be organized in Gracanica and Pristina today.

As it was announced, gathering in Gracanica would start at 11.00, while in Pristina this day would be marked by laying flowers at the monument dedicated to the missing persons nearby the Kosovo Assembly.