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Bus carrying Serb high school students stoned in Kosovo (TV Puls, B92)

A bus carrying students of two high schools home attacked with stones around 13:00 CET on Thursday on the Šilovo-Koretište road in Kosovo.

"Four unidentified young men" attacked the bus, TV Puls from Šilovo has reported.

Nobody was injured during the incident, while minor material damage was done to the vehicle.

According to the driver of the bus, Zoran Stević, the attackers used stones and snowballs and were "about 15 years old."

Danger of terrorist acts in Kosovo is now "high" (Serbian media)

Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday that "incidents cannot be ruled out" in the coming period, "due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija."

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija said this particularly in view of the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj, adding that the danger of terrorist acts being carried out in Kosovo was "high."

FYROM uses harsh tone criticizing Albania and Kosovo (

The Foreign Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Nikola Popov, assesses that it is not proper or suitable for Albania and Kosovo to interfere on the internal affairs of FYROM. “It is not decent and not appropriate when the Prime Minister or the President of the neighboring country interferes directly on the internal affairs, especially during the period of implementation of the elections in e democratic manner and prior to the creation of the government. Wrong messages are being sent in the region.

"West warned us about Albanian plans to attack our embassy" (Serbian media)

Information about Albanians' plan to attack a Serbian embassy over the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj came from a security service of a western country.

This is what Beta reported Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic as telling state broadcaster RTS, who also rejected claims of Serbia "making it up, or planning to do this itself in order to blame the Albanians."

President Nikolić cancels Kosovo trip over "harassment of his aides" (B92)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić will not travel to Kosovo and Metohija, where he was to spend Friday, January 6, Christmas Eve.

Serbian Orthodox Christians will celebrate Christmas on January 7, according to the Julian Calendar.

Nikolić was to spend the day in Štrpce, his press service announced on Wednesday.

"Consequences of Kosovo in UNESCO would be unforeseeable" (media)

Should Kosovo become a UNESCO member, the consequences for the Serb identity and cultural heritage in the province would be unforeseeable.

This is according to Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO Darko Tanaskovic.

In that case, UNESCO documents would list medieval Serbian monuments, churches and monasteries as cultural assets in the territory of a "state of Kosovo", rather than in Serbia, Tanaskovic has told Jedinstvo.

Will Trump ease pressure on Serbia over Kosovo? (B92)

The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, that started in 2013 with the signing of the Brussels agreement, is still far from over, and will continue this year as well.

Experts assess that the Trump administration could ease the pressure on Belgrade.

Monarchies, socialist, one party-states, the war-time 1990s, followed by two decades of transition, have not brought Serbs and Albanians closer together over the past 100 years.

Tahiri: Serbia without role on establishment of Association (

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said for Radio Free Europe that “Serbia does not have any role on establishment of the Association for Serb-majority Municipalities.” According to her, Serbian representatives do not have the authority to deal with the issue. “It is not up to Serbia to impose dates or make pressure,” she said.