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Introduction to withdrawal of foreign military presence from Kosovo (Danas)

The political atmosphere for withdrawal of military forces from Kosovo has been created by the declaration and the recommendations to the Council for Stabilization and Association adopted yesterday in Pristina, and the session of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization and Association on the occasion of coming into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement signed between Kosovo and the EU, said the paper’s source from the European Parliament, who did not want to talk about it publicly.


Police arrests a Vetëvendosje activist on EULEX case (

Kosovo Police has arrested today Vetëvendosje activist, Blerim Maqestena. According to Vetëvendosje, KP is seeking to arrest many other activists regarding Vetëvendosje’s action against EULEX in 2009. “Re-actualization of this case and many procedural and legal violations, proved that this is a political set-up process with the aim of political persecution of opposition activists”, notes a press release issued by Vetëvendosje. This party requests from the government and Kosovo Police to urgently give up the political arrests and detentions.

Kosovo at OSCE conference, Serbia and Spain annul their participation (

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is organizing a two-day conference with focus on the development of prospects for economic cooperation in the fields of transport, infrastructures, trade, energy and digital connectivity, as well as the role of the private sector in boosting the economic growth.

Dačić: Status-neutral engagement of the Council of Europe in Kosovo (RTS)

At a meeting in Sofia, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić said that for Serbia the only acceptable engagement of the Council of Europe in Kosovo was the status-neutral, with respect of the UN Security Council resolution 1244.

Dačić said, addressing the participants of 126th ministerial meeting of the Council of Europe in Sofia that he expected the Council of Europe would continue to adhere to its consistent principled stance.

Bosnia to introduce relaxed visa rules for Kosovo (Koha)

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Foreign Minister, Igor Crnadak, said that his country, which has not recognised the independence of Kosovo, cannot at present discuss on lifting the visa regime for the people of Kosovo but is planning to introduce relaxation of the visa rules. “We have demonstrated the readiness to talk about applying some relaxation to the issuing of visas”, said Crnadak, adding that it will be up to experts to determine what procedural changes will be made to the visa regime.

"Demarcation talk absurd, there's no border with Kosovo" (B92)

It is "absurd and nonsensical" to talk about a demarcation between Serbia and Kosovo considering there is no border, "nor will there ever be one for us."

Marko Đurić , director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, said this in an interview for B92 TV on Tuesday, and added that as far as Belgrade is concerned, "there can only possibly be conversations that help people circulate and not wait in lines."

Rašković Ivić: EU treats Kosovo as a state, and Serbs as national minority (Blic)

The Chairperson of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Sanda Rašković Ivić, reflected today on the visit of the EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, to Pristina and said that her party argues for years that the Serbian authorities are participating in the process of the territorial disintegration of Serbia, which is, according to her, designed and implemented by the US and EU. She requested once more a referendum on further continuation of Euro-integration.

Hahn thanks opposition for the contribution to integration process (

During the last session of the parliamentary Commission for the Stabilization Association Agreement, Johannes Hahn said that the SAA is a historical step and marks contractual relations with the European Union. However, according to him, the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary remain a challenge.

"The A/CSM will have no executive powers" (VoA)

The Association/Community of Serb municipalities will be formed soon and will have no executive powers; it will be an institution for the provision of services to citizens, said yesterday European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek in Pristina. She also said that now Pristina should meet as soon as possible the three main conditions for visa abolition with regard to the European Commission's recommendation for visa liberalization for Kosovo.