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Stefanovic with Vice-President of Interpol about the Pristina’s request (KIM radio)

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic spoke in Belgrade with Alexander Prokopchuk, vice-president of Interpol and head of the Russian National Central Bureau - Moscow, the Serbian MIA announced.

Stefanovic met Prokopchuk to discuss reasons of Serbia's opposing the Kosovo's accession to Interpol, bearing in mind that representatives of Pristina institutions have again applied for entry to the international police organization.

Vucic: Paris meeting, if it happens, more important than UN session (RTS, FoNet, N1)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic told the Serbian state broadcaster on Monday that the next week’s UN Security Council session on Kosovo would be less important than a meeting in Paris with the same issue on the agenda in July “if it happens,” the FoNet news agency reported.

Slovak FM Lajcak says OSCE monitoring situation in Kosovo (N1, FoNet, Beta)

Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak told Serbia’s heads of state and government that his country, as chair of the OSCE, is carefully monitoring the situation in Kosovo and will continue providing assistance and support to Serbia on its path to the European Union.

Djukanovic: It is very important to hear the objective situation in the UN (RTS)

President of the Centre for Foreign Policy Dragan Djukanovic told Serbian state television (RTS) that the most important thing is to create the conditions for continuation of the dialogue that should result in final signing of an agreement on full normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Djukanovic said in the RTS morning news that the UNMIK announcement came with a delay, and it indicated that UNMIK did not have the same kind of data as the Kosovo police.

Female journalists present a joint declaration in Pristina (KoSSev, KIM radio)

If the Pristina media, while reporting on the north, are collectively accusing the Serbs of something, how can the Serbs in the north be interested in following their news? How can we expect the Kosovo Albanians to have a positive opinion on the dialogue with Serbia when the Serbian Prime Minister stated that Albanians came from the woods and that it is impossible to negotiate with them? If the media are unable to get rid of collective responsibility in their reporting, then we cannot expect any improvement in our relations.

Vucic on Thaci’s threat: We will react decisively (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia would react in serious, responsible and decisive manner if a referendum on unification of Kosovo and Albania would happen, Tanjug news agency reported.

He made these remarks while asked to comment on the statement of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci who said earlier if the EU continues with the isolation of Kosovo, he would think of institutional measures and unification with Albania. Vucic added he has warned the EU about that.

Vucic: PM Brnabic was referring to Kosovo leadership, not entire Albanian population (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in her remark “people from the forest” was not referring to the entire Albanian people, but to the Kosovo leadership respectively Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Kadri Veseli, Danas daily reported.

“She did not speak about the entire population, but about the three of them. No, they are handsome guys, academics, painters and literates,” Vucic told journalists in Loznica, commenting on Kosovo Albanian leaders.

Mihajlovic: Statement of PM Brnabic used to justify violence against Serbs in northern Kosovo (RTS)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic said Pristina authorities are using the statement of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic – that Albanian political representatives in Pristina as former members of KLA “are people from the forest,” to justify brutal violence and arrests of Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija by ROSU unit, RTS reported.