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Serbian opposition leader filed criminal charges against Minister of Defence (Danas, BETA, TV N1)

Chairman of the opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) and leader of Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic said on Tuesday he had filed criminal charges against Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin because of his statement that Serbs and Albanians should delimitate. Obradovic considers that such statement violates the Constitution and Serbian laws, BETA news agency reported.

“This way territorial unity of our state is endangered, while the occupation and fake state of Kosovo are recognized,” Obradovic said.

Serbian opposition condemns Vulin’s statement on delimitation – another criminal charge announced (BETA, KoSSev)

The statement of the Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin that “delimitation with the Albanians should take place as soon as possible” caused an intense reaction among Serbian opposition on Sunday, BETA news agency reports.

Vulin: Delimitation with Albanians as soon as possible; Military Union files criminal charges against Vulin (FoNet, BETA, TV N1, KoSSev)

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin said that he is in favor of delimitation with the Albanians taking place “as soon as possible.” On the other hand, the Serbian Military Union filed criminal charges against Vulin for “endangering the territorial integrity and betraying the country, “ and requested his dismissal and arrest, Belgrade-based BETA news agency reported.

“When we determine where the line is, we will be able to defend it,” Vulin told Belgrade daily newspaper Vecernje Novosti on Sunday.

Vulin says bombing of Serbia killed international law (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 killed international law, adding that Serbia recovered but the international law had not, BETA news agency reported.

Vulin made these remarks at the opening of the round table “NATO Aggression – Causes and Consequences” and noted that Serbia “has survived thanks to its army, police and people”.

“International law has died. Permanently and surely. The great powers no longer had any need to explain their actions with any legalities – force was sufficient,” Vulin is quoted as saying.

Vulin: Haradinaj "trying to provoke conflict with Serbs" (B92, RTS, Beta, Tanjug)

"The provisional Pristina institutions PM saying that the so-called 'Kosovo Army' could enter the north of Kosovo is a threat to the entire region's peace," stated Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

He told the public broadcaster, RTS, that the Serbian Army was "confident, strong and capable of preserving peace and stability throughout the country."

Novosti: “Ramush fantasizes about squad of Serbs” (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti in an article published on Monday, refutes claims of the Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, who said that around 40 Serbs from Pomoravlje region applied to join the Kosovo army.

The daily further writes only two Serbs from the village of Gornje Kusce have applied. It also reported on a statement of Novo Brdo mayor Svetislav Ivanovic, who said that all Serb members of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) from the area have left the KSF last year, with exception of two or three officers.

Vulin: Skopje is new "hub for attacks against Vucic and Serbia" (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Skopje has replaced Budapest as the center of intelligence work against Serbia, Defense Minister Alekdsandar Vulin has told the daily Vecernje Novosti.

According to Vulin, the capital of Macedonia has become a place where funding and support is provided for "snitches and crooks" from all over the region, for politicians who believe cooperating with foreigners is the only way they can come to power.

Vulin in this way commented on a meeting between Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and leader of the opposition Alliance for Serbia Dragan Djilas, which took place in Skopje.

Vulin and Chepurin on Kosovo and military cooperation (RTV)

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin met today Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin, Radio Television of Vojvodina reports.

Vulin thanked Russian Federation for supporting Serbia’s territorial integrity and efforts to finding a compromise solution for Kosovo and Metohija, as well as consistent and firm support to Serbia in the UN Security Council, whenever the interests of Serbia were jeopardized.

KFOR "only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo" (Serbian Government, B92)

Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin spoke on Tuesday in Belgrade with NATO International Military Staff Director General Lieutenant-General Jan Broeks.

According to the Serbian government, they discussed "the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija."

Vulin pointed to the good cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces with NATO, under the auspices of the Partnership for Peace program.

Vulin: Serbian military is being arming intensively (Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian Army is being intensively equipped and armed as it has to be ready to protect each part of our territory, but also Serbs wherever they live, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said this on Friday.

He made the statement during the presentation of weapons and military equipment that have entered service in the Serbian Army, or are in the final phase of testing.