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Government condemns attack on PM Mustafa’s car (RTK)

Government of Kosovo has condemned today’s paint attack on the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s vehicle by Vetevendosje activists. In a statement, the government said the act is unacceptable and damaging for Kosovo. “The Government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to a constructive political debate within the Republic of Kosovo institutions with all political and civil society representatives and assures the citizens of Kosovo that such events will not stop our mission for economic development, rule of law and European integrations,” the statement reads.

The wild government (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily remarks today that the political debates between the government, opposition and voices of free people in Kosovo, have lately become harsher. As the doze of the criticism for flagrant failure of the two major coalition parties increases, the government officials become wilder. In the writer’s view, Kosovo’s leadership is aware of the bitter reality, but it is intentionally hiding it.

Government says stepped up security not related to recent developments (Telegrafi)

Government of Kosovo said in a statement that the stepped up security around its premises is part of a series of measures initiated several months ago as a result of recommendations of the regional security and are not related to the recent developments in Kosovo. The security measures government has undertaken in recent days happen to coincide with verbal clashes between the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Vetevendosje officials, adds the news website.

Actions, not words (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that when the government announces that it will end monopolies on business, it is not that it is doing a miracle, but it is only promising to fulfill a legal and constitutional obligation. The Constitution of Kosovo guarantees equal competition in the free market, however, the situation in Kosovo is completely different. Oligarchic businesses, using their connections with the government, are continuously harming the decent businesses which want to grow and develop through a dignified competition.

Isa Mustafa’s Deputy in support of Ivanovic (RTKlive)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo from the Serbian List, Branimir Stojanovic, was present at the organized protest in support of the leader of Citizens’ Initive SDP, Oliver Ivanovic and the other defendant, Dragolub Delibashic. Stojanovic even held a speech in front of the protesters, saying that they would never leave Oliver Ivanovic alone. “Oliver and any other Serb will not be alone at this point. Never ever,” said Stojanovic. The protest, where 600 people were allegedly present, started at 10:00 and concluded thirty minutes later.

Mustafa and Thaci: Not a single meter is being given to Montenegro (Kohanet)

The government of Kosovo approved during today’s regular meeting the report of the government commission for demarcation of the borderline with Montenegro. In this occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that this border is in accordance with the one of 1974 and Ahtisaari’s package.

Mustafa's devilish game with President Rugova's son (Gazeta Blic)

Florim Zeqa criticizes in his opinion piece the current Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, for not keeping the promises made during the election campaign. Mentioning the promises to reduce the governing cabinet, return of the Dardanian flag and change of Kosovo’s anthem, fighting of those who have caught up Kosovo as well as the organized crime to the promise for economic development and creation of 120 thousand jobs, Zeqa writes that not only that the promises have not been kept, but Mustafa is doing the opposite.

Selimi accuses government of failing to establish Armed Forces (Koha)

Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi accused the Kosovo government today over the constitutional amendments for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces. During his address in the Assembly, Selimi said “a dirty game” is being played with the fate of the armed forces. “Knowing that the constitutional amendments require a double majority in the Assembly, knowing that the ruling majority does not have these votes and knowing that the Serbian List is against this, the question is why did the government submit the constitutional amendments in the first place? The goal of the government is clear.

Thaci confirms: Kosovo Assembly to vote on special court next week (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader, Hashim Thaci, said today that next week the Kosovo government will submit to the Assembly the constitutional amendments for the formation of the special court. After a meeting of the PDK parliamentary group, Thaci said he was confident that the Assembly will vote in favor of the special court, “because this is for the good of Kosovo and its partnership with the international community”.

Source: Kosovo Assembly to vote on special court next week (Lajmi)

An unnamed source within the Kosovo government told the news site that the Kosovo Assembly will vote next Monday or Wednesday on the constitutional amendments that make way to the formation of the special court. According to the source, the government will submit the constitutional amendments to the Assembly this week.