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US administration "denied Thaci's and Haradinaj's claims" (Tanjug)

Pristina's claim that possible future US involvement in dialogue with Belgrade is a proposal coming from the official US administration is "incorrect," Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who in Washington, told Voice of America, Tanjug reports today.

"The things that Thaci and Haradinaj are saying have been denied by the US administration. They even told (EU foreign policy chief) Federica Mogherini that they were not standing behind (Pristina's) statements," Dacic said.

Vulin: Brussels agreement will not be renegotiated (BETA, B92)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said today that agreements reached with Pristina in Brussels will not be renegotiated, Serbian media reported.

Vulin added that the Brussels agreement itself would not undergo any changes.

Vulin was visiting the town of Arandjelovac when he was asked by a journalist to comment on Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj's statement that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) - yet to be formed under the agreement - would be "a non-governmental organization."

Brussels process: Ramush blackmails, key in Belgrade (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti in its article published over the weekend argues whether it is possible to change the intermediary in the Brussels dialogue, Pristina insistence to involve the USA in the process and that both sides need to agree on the format of the negotiations.

The USA cannot sit at the table as a direct participant in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, without the consent of Belgrade, despite the strong efforts of Pristina to “drag in” Washington as the main intermediary, Novosti further reports.

Srpska Lista condemned Nataliya Apostolova statement: ZSO will be established as it was signed in Brussels (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Srpska Lista, condemned in strongest terms late on Friday the statement of the EU Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Aposotlova, who said “that the Association of the Serb Municipalities would be established in line with the Constitutional Court from Pristina decision,” and added that Srpka Lista will never accept the establishment of the Association if not in line with what was signed in Brussels, Serbian media reported.

B92: Vucic "backs Serbs in Kosovo cabinet; Haradinaj is criminal" (Serbian media)

Aleksandar Vucic late on Tuesday said that Kosovo and Metohija represents the essence of the political "present time, and the future" of Serbia.

Besides, the Serbian president said that he supported the decision of the Serb (Srpska) List to enter the Kosovo government - while Serbia "would not change its opinion" on the new Kosovo government's head, Ramush Haradinaj.

Until October Washington and Berlin decide on envoys (Danas)

Belgrade based daily Danas writes today, based on unofficial diplomatic sources, that the United States and Germany are considering who will be their envoys in the next phase of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and that it is expected that the decision on their names would be made and disclosed in a month time.

"Everyone knows about KLA crimes, but sometimes it's not enough" (N1)

Journalist of Radio-Television of Vojvodina Ljubica Gojgić assesses in a show "Dan uživo" of regional TV N1 that from the political assessment will depend which names will be found on the first indictments of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, N1 reports.

Vucic: Mitrovic’s arrest consequence of secret indictments (Tanjug, RTV KIM, Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, said that the arrest of Bogdan Mitrovic by the Kosovo police in Suva Reka is beyond any doubt a policy of intimidation, Serbian media reported.

Vucic also said this arrest is a message to Serbs that they should not try to visit their homes, let alone to come and live there.

He also assessed Mitrovic’s arrest as brutal arrest before cameras, “as if they were arresting Ramush Haradinaj or his brother Daut”.

Vucic: Our questions will give them headache (B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that Serbia "will not weaken, as some would want it to, but will grow stronger."

He spoke in the context of the arrest of a displaced Serb in Kosovo, and new provocations coming out of Croatia.

Vucic said Thursday's meeting in Brussels with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci would be "influenced" by the arrest of Bogdan Mitrovic.

Vucic and Thaci in Brussels this Thursday (KosSev Portal)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic and his colleague from Kosovo, Hashim Thaci would meet in Brussels on 31 August, 2017, said a press statement from the Office EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini.

“They would exchange opinions on the continuation of a dialogue for normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, after their last agreement in July to start with the preparation of a new phase in a dialogue.”