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Dacic to Novosti: Nobody can claim we'll have Kosovo deal in 2019 (B92, Beta, Vecernje Novosti)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic say no one can claim that the Kosovo issue will be resolved in 2019.

He also pointed out that the fact that the Brussels dialogue has been stopped for months does not mean that a solution is not being sought.

Dacic to TV Prva: "President Vucic" and "Mr. Thaci" - Dacic on UNSC session (B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic repeated and to Belgrade based TV Prva that the result of the Monday’s UN Security Session was that the positions of all members of the Council to be heard.

That was the result of this session because, he points out in a statement to Prva TV, "Pristina hardly will withdraw its moves."

Serbian FM says US diplomat's comments are "nonsense" (Beta, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has rejected the assessment of US diplomat Brian Hoyt Yee that Serbia was "sitting on two chairs."

Serbia is interested only in its own interests, Dacic said on Thursday.

Dacic told reporters in Belgrade that Serbia will continue to work in accordance with its state and national interests, "regardless of what they are saying, from the sidelines."

Dacic: Someone wish to change format of UN Security Council sessions on Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic spoke in Palermo with his Italian counterpart about attempts to change the format of the UN Security Council sessions on Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reported.

Ivica Dacic and Angelino Alfano spoke on the margins of the OSCE Mediterranean Conference on the relations between the two countries and international organizations, in particular about the UN Security Council, which will be chaired by Italy next month.

"Huge pressure over Russian Center, we hope to solve issue" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says the status of the Russian Humanitarian Center in Nis has not yet been "solved" because "huge pressures are being exerted," Serbian media reported.

According to him, more reasons are that the issue has been politicized, and, "we do not want it to become a subject of political disputes."

Speaking during a break in the Belgrade Security Forum on Thursday, Dacic "stressed that this should be resolved in line with the Vienna Convention."

"I hope this will happen quickly," Dacic said.




“Haradinaj’s story for internal use” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic said to Tanjug that the statements of Kosovo leaders “are intended for internal use” and this is how he sees the latest statement of Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj.

Haradinaj earlier stated there is no continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue without involvement of the USA.

“I would not comment on every Pristina’s statement, intended for internal use,” Dacic said referring to Haradinaj’s statement.

Dacic rules out possibility of giving Kosovo "UN chair" (RTV, RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic on Thursday ruled out the possibility of Kosovo joining the UN by saying this was "out of the question."

Asked whether he considers the issue of Kosovo's possible "chair" in the UN to be a topic, Dacic replied: "What chair - maybe a wooden footstool. That's out of the question!"

Asked whether it was possible for Kosovo to "get a place in the UN, without Serbia recognizing it," Dacic said this was "impossible without Serbia's consent".

"Serbia will not accept any unilateral acts by Catalonia" (RTV, Tanjug, B92)

Serbia supports the territorial integrity of Spain and will not accept any unilateral acts by Catalonia, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday.

"We do not want what has been applied to Kosovo to be applied in the case of Catalonia," Dacic told the RTV after a meeting with the Spanish ambassador to Serbia, Tanjug reported.

During the meeting earlier in the day, Dacic underlined that our country "stands firmly by Spain and gives it unreserved support when it comes to the defense and protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Dacic: Musliu should celebrate not being in prison yet (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic said that president of Bujanovac municipality Jonuz Musliu should be "thanking God for not yet being arrested".

The Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti reported this today.

Dacic also pointed out that adding "the Presevo Valley" - an area in the southern part of central Serbia that has an ethnic Albanian minority - to Kosovo and Metohija is "Musliu's pipe dream" - unless the EU thinks that Presevo is also a specific and unique case."

"It would not surprise me," Dacic allegedly said.

Is Presevo now special case too, asks Serbian FM (BETA, Tanjug, Prva TV, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says he is awaiting the reaction of the EU and those who said that Kosovo is a special case.

Dacic, who also serves as the first deputy PM, asked whether Presevo - a town and area in the southern part of central Serbia inhabited by ethnic Albanians - was now also "a special case."

"When it comes to Serbia, it's about special cases all the way," he remarked.

Dacic called on the EU to make "a concrete statement" on the topics that concern Serbia and the Serb people.