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Opposition parties not to take part in tomorrow’s Assembly session (RFE)

Opposition parties – Vetevendosje, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have announced they will not take part in tomorrow’s continuation of the Kosovo Assembly’s plenary session. Adonis Tahiri from Vetevendosje said that since tomorrow’s session is a continuation of last week's, the position not to attend it remains unchanged. “As a united opposition, we boycotted this session last week under the reasons given out by MP Ismail Kurteshi,” said Tahiri.

Haradinaj: AAK will not take part in the Assembly work during this mandate (Koha)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said the Assembly of Kosovo has lost its credibility and added that Kosovo needs to head to elections. “Such a parliament deserves to be dissolved and for the country to go to elections. AAK is not part of this parliament,” said Haradinaj stressing that the decision is final.

A narration for exit strategy (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku considers that Hashim Thaci’s election for president, comforted one individual while holding the fate of an entire country hostage. He says that political clashes in Kosovo have become so deep, that giving up would be perceived as a political weakness, mistake or defeat. On the other hand, he notes, international voices have started to show the first signs of some kind of mediation, “Public proposal of the German Ambassador for creation of a mediating commission, makes a good start,” writes Abdixhiku.

Mustafa: Opposition’s actions should no longer be tolerated (Kosovapress)

After being splashed with water by an opposition MP, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said at the Assembly that he sees no reason why the opposition supporters should attack his home or him personally. He called on the judicial authorities to undertake necessary measures against such actions. “If the house of the Prime Minister of Kosovo is attacked with Molotov cocktail and everyone remains silent in face the of this, then there is something seriously wrong with this country,” said Mustafa.

Limaj: Tear gas was effective but we are looking at alternatives (Koha)

Leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and MP Fatmir Limaj said the opposition’s use of tear gas had its effect in the Assembly sessions and that despite their differences, opposition parties remain united in their actions against the government. “This regime continues to be the same. Its behavior is causing the deepening of the crisis,” said Limaj. He added that the opposition parties need to take into consideration the option of boycotting the Assembly. “We are looking at alternatives,” said Limaj.

“The regime was planning to bring explosives to February 17 protest” (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje MP Aida Derguti told a press conference in Pristina today that everyone is witnessing violations by police officers in the Kosovo Assembly and especially the attack on Vetevendosje MP Albulena Haxhiu. “Violence against members of parliament constitutes an unprecedented violation of competencies. The presence of police officers and the expulsion of MPs are illegitimate and no measure was taken against such actions. Neither the Speaker of Parliament nor the presidency is authorized to order such actions against the MPs,” Derguti said.

Veseli: Election of the President was correct (Zeri)

 Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said after the meeting of the Assembly Presidency that the next Assembly session will be held on Thursday. He added that the next sessions will concern visa liberalization. “We will hold e session on 10 March to discuss ten issues of the agenda. We will hold an additional session after 10 March. The European Union is priority. Fulfillment of the criteria for visa liberalization are the conditions that we have to work on, therefore we will hold two sessions soon,” Veseli said.

Derguti: We will send the President to the Constitutional Court (Zeri)

Aida Derguti, from Vetevendosje movement has just left the meeting of the Assembly Presidency, and told media that the next Assembly session will be held on Thursday. She said that she tried to object this decision, however she was incapable to change anything. “The session will be held on Thursday, we will obstruct holding of this session as well. In the meantime, we will send the case of manner of the election of the President of Kosovo at the Constitutional Court. This is the position of the united opposition,” Derguti said.

Teargas at the Assembly (media)

As the Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Sabri Hamiti, was making, as he said, a short statement, which was the last announced speech for today’s session at the Assembly, teargas was thrown from the seats where the opposition MPs were seated. After this, Deputy President of the Assembly, from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Xhavit Haliti announced a ten minute break.

Serbian List MPs may request postponement or boycott the session (Koha)

There are great chances that representatives of Serbs at the Assembly of Kosovo will either boycott or request postponement of today’s Assembly session during which the new president of Kosovo is expected to be elected.

The possibility that they may support one of the candidates for president of Kosovo has been almost entirely excluded.