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The anniversary of the murder of Serbs in Livadice (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Radio Gracanica, TV Puls, RTK2, Kossev)

In the Church of St. Petka in Laplje Selo near Pristina, today at 11 am was planned a parastos to Serbs killed in an attack, and in the village of Livadica near Podujevo, reports Serbian media in Kosovo.

Flowers will be laid at the place where "Nis express" bus bumped into mine 17 years ago, a bus which transported the displaced Serbs to Gracanica for an All Souls Day, accompanied by soldiers of KFOR.

KFOR with Rakic, Hodzic: To strengthen cooperation in the investigation (RTS)

The Mayor of northern Mitrovica Goran Rakic met KFOR Commander Salvatore Cuoci with regard to the current security situation after the tragic murder of Oliver Ivanovic, reports RTS.

Rakic says that it is crucial to strengthen the cooperation of all the security structures involved in the investigation.

Army of Serbia to KFOR: If the security of Serbs in Kosovo is threatened, we will not be silent observers (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti today writes that it is no novelty that there is a strong will in Belgrade to protect its people in the event of escalation of violence in Kosovo, adding that the military top of Serbia regularly informed all previous KFOR commanders of their determination to ensure the security of their citizens.

KFOR Commander: The situation in Kosovo is stable, but fragile (RTS, Kronen Zeitung)

KFOR Commander General Salvatore Couci told the Vienna daily Kronen Zeitung that situation currently is "very safe".

"It depends much on whether people want change here. Primarily youth does it," Couci says.

To the conclusion that there are many fighters from the Balkans in the Islamic state and a questions of the daily what KFOR can do on this issue, the Italian general says that it is true that Kosovo has a large number of "foreign fighters", i.e. returnees from the war in Syria.

“NATO won’t leave Kosovo, army only in accordance with Constitution“ (Blic)

NATO, neither have plans to leave Kosovo nor to reduce the presence there, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said today, Blic daily reported.

“We have no plans to leave Kosovo. KFOR plays an important role in Kosovo and help secure stability and peace. Any reduction of the mission would depend on the situation on the ground. It is not on the agenda now. We are following the situation, and the situation is as such now that the presence of NATO is necessary,” Blic quoted NATO SG Stoltenberg.

Firewood stolen from Zociste Monastery (KIM Radio)

Monks from the Serbian Orthodox Church Zociste Monastery noticed yesterday around 13.00 hrs that certain amount of firewood is missing, KIM Radio reported.

The brotherhood assumes the firewood got stolen over the last couple of days, as they recently covered it with a plastic sheet to protect it from the precipitation. When they checked the firewood last time, everything was in place.

Serbia can be neutral, and be our partner - NATO chief (Tanjug, B92, Danas)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces can be done only in accordance with the Constitution, Serbian media reported.

Stoltenberg told a joint news conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels yesterday afternoon that he "clearly stated his position" on this issue "many, many times."

Thaci: KSF is a professional force thanks to KFOR (Kosovapress)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that the outgoing KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni Fungo, is a proven friend of Kosovo and the region. “Time when Fungo served was very important for the country. We are grateful to all the soldiers serving with KFOR. KFOR preserves and builds peace,” Thaci said today during the COMKFOR change of command ceremony.  Thaci said the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) is a multiethnic and professional force thanks to KFOR and NATO. “KSF is now ready to take on new competencies and a new mission,” Thaci noted.

Shala: "We sit together in the Assembly, why not a joint army?" (RTK2)

Advisor to the Kosovo President Blerim Shala told the RTK2, (the Show "Poglavlje" (Chapter)), that "the momentum of the historic agreement between Kosovo and Serbia must be defined," and that there must be a time limit for the talks.

"In principle, we have to agree that something that remained, we have to end once and for all".

Rakic: The same attitude on the Kosovo army; there are no more negotiations on the ZSO (Kontakt plus radio, Politika)

President of the Serb List Goran Rakic in an interview for the Belgrade based daily Politika rejected speculations and reiterated the unique position of that party, that it would not support the formation of the Kosovo army, and said that there are no further negotiations on the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and that he expects its formation.