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Thaci: I did not mention Greater Albania (Beta, Klan Kosova)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that he has not mentioned a Greater Albania in any of his statements. He also said that EU’s lack of leadership and vision opened way for other ideologies and impacts in the region, such as nationalism, extremism and political radicalism.

He accused “Serbia’s bad spirit which aims legitimizing a greater Serbia, acting under the nose of the EU and international community.”

Uproar among Serbs in Kosovo; Jablanović usurped Serbian List (Blic)

Today's edition of the daily newspaper Blic writes that the return of Aleksandar Jablanović at the head of the Serbian List has shocked and surprised most people in this political organization of Serbs in Kosovo.

- It is completely a unilateral decision of Jablanović, and we have learned about it, what is worse, from the media - said to Blic a source from the Serbian list. The article states that members of the Serbian List fear that Jablanović has performed the unexpected move in concert with the Pristina authorities.

Dacic to Thaci: KLA committed genocide against Serb people (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is "continuing with provocations," Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic observed on Wednesday.

According to Dacic, after "the debacle" of Thaci's idea to form the so-called Kosovo army, he is trying to "switch the domestic public's attention" to a different topic - a genocide lawsuit against Serbia.

Thaci: No one can use veto on establishment of Kosovo’s army (Koha)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that establishment of Kosovo’s army is already a necessity. “I have undertaken the legal initiative for KSF being convinced that all the possibilities to create it through the Constitution were exhausted. This also came as a need being that Kosovo cannot be part of NATO without an army. The common denominator is that Kosovo institutions, parliamentary parties as well as the civil society and the citizens are for the army,” Thaci said at a debate organized by FOL Movement.

Kosovo as a casual topic in the Serbian presidential elections (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

During the election campaign Kosovo was not much of a topic for the presidential candidates in Serbia. Some have visited Kosovo but without much fanfare, and the winner although he announced his Leposavić's election rally, dropped out of the visit.

According to the head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić, Vučić has won the votes of 80 per cent of voters who on Sunday went to the polls.

Thaci: Blocking of roads in Kosovo is blocking Kosovo’s road to the world

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, condemned the blocking of roads in several cities of Kosovo as being unacceptable. “This approach is completely unacceptable because freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of political thought and the freedom of expression are guaranteed by the Constitution of Kosovo and its laws. These apply to all citizens of Kosovo and no one will be allowed to undermine these rights, regardless of convictions and beliefs,” Thaci wrote on Facebook.


Thaci: We will create armed forces and preserve international partnership (Telegrafi)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said he is confident the government will submit to Assembly draft law on Kosovo Security Force transformation and reiterated that the creation of a Kosovo armed force is in the right track. Thaci said that the discussion with members of the Serb community, the civil society and the political spectrum will continue as will the process for KSF transformation. “This is an unstoppable and irreversible process,” he said.

Klan Kosova: Germany disappointed with Thaci

The initiative of the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci for transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into a Kosovo army has raised concerns with Germany. “We are disappointed that the proposal was not discussed in advance with Kosovo partners in NATO and other relevant actors. We are concerned because the proposal endangers Kosovo’s cooperation with NATO and hinders normalisation dialogue,” the German Embassy said in a written response to Klan Kosova.

Will Serbs in Kosovo vote in presidential elections? (B92, Tanjug, Blic, KIM radio)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci says that Pristina has not yet reached a decision with regard to the elections for the president of Serbia.

And although the Kosovo institutions have not yet taken a position on the holding of the Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, the OSCE have confirmed their readiness to provide technical help to implement them.