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Hoxhaj: Decision on Haradinaj disappointing and unacceptable (

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, expressed his concern with regards to the decision of the Colmar Court in France to delay the session for the former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj.

During the regular plenary session of the Assembly, Hoxhaj said that today’s decision of the Colmar court is disappointing.

Opposition MPs leave the Assembly session due to the decision on Haradinaj (RTK)

Opposition MPs decided to leave the Assembly session after the decision of the French court to postpone the verdict for the former Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj for 6 April.

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said that today’s decision of a provincial court in France to extend Haradinaj’s staying in France is a clear abuse of the human rights and a tendency to discredit an entire war.

Political leaders react to postponement of decision on Haradinaj (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said postponing decision on Haradinaj’s release is “an injustice on so many fronts.” He said international justice continues to be influenced by Serb politics. Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, called for an end to Serbia’s arrest warrants against Kosovo Liberation Army fighters. He said the court’s decision to postpone was “unacceptable.”

Kosovo government: Serbia abusing justice on Haradinaj’s case (Telegrafi)

Following the court in Colmar, France, postponing the decision on possible extradition of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader, Ramush Haradinaj, to Serbia, the government of Kosovo issued a press release accusing Serbia of abusing justice and “delaying a process build on fabricated allegations.” “We believe the French judiciary will not tolerate such a situation,” the government said.

AAK announces boycott of Assembly (Kosovapress)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group has announced it will boycott the work of the Kosovo Assembly until 6 April when its leader will once again appear before a French court regarding an extradition request against him by Serbia. "AAK MPs are disappointed with negligence of Kosovo institutions on Haradinaj case and on Serbia's illegal arrest warrants against Kosovo citizens," the party said in a statement.



KLA war associations demand change of law on special court (media)

Representatives of KLA veterans associations have called on the Kosovo Assembly MPs to urgently vote on changing the law on special court so that it included trying crimes committed by Serb forces in Kosovo. KLA war association representatives made the call from inside the Assembly following the French court postponing a decision on the possible extradition Ramush Haradinaj to Serbia. KLA veterans said they would not leave the Assembly until the MPs vote on the changes proposed earlier in the session by PDK MP, Nait Hasani.

AAK: Decision on Haradinaj, “irrational” and “senseless”, calls for protest (media)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has reacted to the French court to postponing decision on Serbia’s extradition request of its leader Ramush Haradinaj by saying it is “abuse of justice.” “The decision is irrational and completely senseless. It is shocking how judicial authorities in France are put to the service of former associates of Milosevic who are seriously provoking stability and peace in Kosovo through Haradinaj,” AAK said in a statement.

Decision on Haradinaj’s extradition request postponed for 6 April (Klan Kosova)

The court in Colmar, France, has decided to postpone the decision on the request for Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj’s extradition to Serbia for 6 April. Haradinaj reacted to the move saying he was being held “political hostage” and that the decision to postpone was “absurd”. Haradinaj was arrested by French authorities in January on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia.

Serbia submitted additional documents to the court in Colmar (KIM radio)

The Serbian Justice Ministry forwarded the Court of Appeal in France two days ago additional documents regarding the request for extradition of Ramush Haradinaj, Tanjug learned from the Ministry of Justice.

Documentation of over 100 pages forwarded to the French court at the initiative of the Ministry of Justice.

Brahimaj to Institutional leaders: Your reaction is silent happiness (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Lahi Brahimaj took to Facebook to write that “the decision to delay the verdict for Haradinaj concludes the misery of Kosovo’s leadership. “How worthless you leaders of the institutions of Kosovo are, this misery comes from your hypocrisy,” Brahimaj wrote.