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Tahiri: Administrative procedures delay agreement on license plates (RFE)

There is no timeline yet on when the Kosovo-Serbia agreement on license plates will start being implemented, Radio Free Europe reports. Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, told the news agency that the November 15 deadline for implementing the agreement has passed but that this is a result of administrative delays by Kosovo’s institutions. “Delays are coming from our side, because of ongoing administrative procedures … the Serbian side meanwhile is ready.

Tahiri: Kosovo will soon establish a unitary system of justice in northern part (Zeri)

Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, said today that the talks in Brussels on justice have been productive. “We are very close to determining the final date for the establishment of a unitary system of justice in the northern part of our state as a result of the Brussels agreement. Implementation of the agreement for justice enables the establishment of unique system of justice in the northern part of Kosovo, where a trial court and prosecution office will soon start functioning in the Mitrovica region,” Tahiri said through a press statement.

Belgrade-Pristina talks to resume Tuesday (media)

This week's round of expert talks between the Belgrade and Pristina delegations will resume in Brussels Tuesday.

The Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija confirmed to Tanjug implementation of the agreements on telecommunications and the judiciary had been addressed on Monday, the first day of the talks, and that Belgrade's delegation once again raised with EU officials the issue of implementing the agreement on forming the Community of Serb Municipalities.

"Association will not be discussed during this round" (media)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri informed through a press release that the parties will not discuss the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities during the new round of the discussions with Serbia which will be held in Brussels tomorrow and a day after.

The parties will discuss justice issues and Kosovo’s telephone prefix. Both parties will also report on the achieved progress in fulfillment of the obligations for implementation of these two agreements.

Mustafa invites the civil society to be involved in the Brussels dialogue (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, said that the role of the civil society in Kosovo is very important, and proposed for them to be more involved in the Brussels dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade as well as on the implementation of the Stabilization Association Agreement signed between Kosovo and the European Union.

Mustafa also considered that the civil society should be involved on the election reform.

Djuric: Serbia's telecoms system to become integrated (media)

A deal on carrying out a Belgrade-Pristina agreement on telecommunications was confirmed in Brussels Friday after three days of discussions, with all details of the implementation coordinated.

A new era is beginning for Telekom Srbija - the operator will be available across Serbia, including Kosovo-Metohija, and its overall value will increase, said the head of the Serbian Office for Kosovo-Metohija, Marko Djuric.

Kosovo-Serbia dialogue resumes in Brussels (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, travelled to Brussels today to attend meetings on the judiciary, telecom and the integrated border management, as part of the EU-brokered talks between Pristina and Belgrade. The meetings, which will take place today and tomorrow, will focus on the implementation of agreements and the obligations of parties on these matters.