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Protest in Gracanica: The loss of even one human life is not worth of political victory (KIM radio)

A protest was held in Gracanica today over the decision of the Kosovo government to increase taxes on goods coming from Serbia and BiH to 100 percent, reports KIM radio.

The head of the Clinical Hospital Center in Gracanica told the gathered people that the loss of even one human life is not worth any political victory, reports KIM radio.

Church desecrated in Vitina municipality (KIM radio, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, N1, Beta)

The Orthodox church of St Nicholas in a village Grncare, in the municipality of Vitina, has been robbed and vandalized, announced the Serbian List on Monday.

The List said that the interior of the church had been desecrated and called for the perpetrators to be found quickly “in order to send a clear message that this type of behaviour and endangering of the peace is unacceptable,” reported Serbian media.

UNS and DNKiM: ''Urgently provide information to the Serb people in KiM in their mother tongue'' (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) again urge Pristina to stop restricting the rights of the Serbian people in Kosovo to the information on their mother tongue and to urgently ensure unhindered distribution of the print media. These associations point out that, unlike other products, print media on the market are irreplaceable goods, especially given the fact that no daily or weekly newspaper in the Serbian language is printed in Kosovo, reports Serbian media in Kosovo.

Protest in Gracanica: Stop the war (KIM radio)

A protest was held in Gracanica regarding the decision of the Kosovo government to increase taxes on goods coming from Serbia and BiH to 100 percent, reports KIM radio.

The protest was attended by several hundred citizens, including representatives and employees of the Municipality of Gracanica, the Provisional Authority of Pristina Municipality, the Hospital Gracanica and the Health Center.

“We agreed to pay 100 percent taxes, and then excuse was the address” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

There are no daily Serbian newspapers in Kosovo today either, Tanjug news agency reports.

Zvezdan Mihajlovic from “KIM Beokolp” company, responsible for distribution of the Serbian newspapers in Kosovo, told Tanjug news agency that Kosovo customs officials did not allow transport of the newspapers through Jarinje crossing point, due to allegedly irregular documentation.

Protests announced today in Mitrovica North, Gracanica and Strpce (KIM radio, Tanjug)

A peaceful one-hour protest will be held in Serbian communities in Kosovo, Mitrovica North, Gracanica and Strpce today at noon due to the introduction of a tax on Serbian goods, Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo Government, Dalibor Jevtic, told Tanjug last night.

Five countries sided with Serbia (KIM radio, Tanjug)

Five Interpol members have sided with Serbia and demanded the vote on Kosovo's membership be removed from the agenda of the General Assembly, reports KIM radio, quoting Belgrade based agency Tanjug.

These are China, Spain, Cyprus, Argentina and Suriname, Tanjug learns.

The vote on the Pristina's request for membership in Interpol, according to the program, should be held tomorrow. Serbia and these five countries have asked Kosovo to be removed from the agenda.

UN SC to debate the two latest report on Kosovo after a six-month break (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Tanjug, N1)

On November 14, the UN Security Council session will be held in New York, where UN Secretary-General Antony Guterres's report on the work of UNMIK will be discussed, reported Serbian media.

The session on the situation in Kosovo, the first after six months, was scheduled at the initiative of China, which took over the Security Council on November 1.