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Female volleyball players from Lebane banned to enter Kosovo (RTS)

Kosovo authorities did not permit on Saturday female volleyball team “Radan” from Lebane, south Serbia to enter Kosovo and Metohija, and play a game with “Vidovdan” team from Gracanica, RTS reports.

The Secretary of “Vidovdan” team from Gracanica, Vladan Trific told RTS volleyball players wanted to enter Kosovo at “Mutivode” crossing point, however, Kosovo police and customs officers told them “they have received order not to let them in”.

The game between the two teams was agreed earlier and had a friendly character, RTS added.


Draft Civil Code Phase II presented in Gracanica (RTK2)

The Kosovo Ministry of Justice, within the framework of completing legal infrastructure in the field of justice, presented in Gracanica the "Civil Code Phase 2", which aims to finalize a comprehensive modern code that meets European standards, reported RTK2.

The EU invested more than 2.3 million euros in this project, which continues to provide assistance in aligning Kosovo's legislation with European standards and strengthening the rule of law.

Protests announced today in Mitrovica North, Gracanica and Strpce (KIM radio, Tanjug)

A peaceful one-hour protest will be held in Serbian communities in Kosovo, Mitrovica North, Gracanica and Strpce today at noon due to the introduction of a tax on Serbian goods, Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo Government, Dalibor Jevtic, told Tanjug last night.

There are no Serbs in petition to merge Ugljare with Kosovo Polje municipality (RTK2, Radio kontakt plus)

A petition that Albanians from Ugljare village submitted to the Kosovo Polje municipality relates to the part of the village where they make up the majority, and not to the entire village, as some media reported, where Serbs make up the majority, RTK 2 reports.

Due to different announcements and incomplete information, Serb inhabitants from Ugljare village submitted to Gracanica municipality a request with 600 signatures to remain part of Gracanica municipality.

The issue of the villages of Preoce and Ugljare (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Gracanica Radio)

Kontakt plus radio today has dealt with the issue of the residents of Preoce and Ugljare villages. The radio writes on its website that the citizens do not know anything about the possibility of becoming residents of Kosovo Polje. Recall the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje adopted a decision on "arranging cadastral zones".

Kontakt plus radio reports that it is still unknown which parts of these two villages will belong to the Kosovo Polje municipality.

Collecting signatures to merge Ugljare with Kosovo Polje municipality to start (RTV KIM)

Kosovo Polje municipality launched an initiative and established a team that would in the following days collect signatures of Ugljare inhabitants, the village in Gracanica municipality, to merge the village with neighbouring Kosovo Polje municipality, RTV KIM learns.

Kosovo Polje municipality confirmed the initiative to RTV KIM. The source from the municipality could not tell when its officials would start the visits on the ground, however it would happen very soon.

Sheholli: The idea on borders' correction still actual; 95 percent would sell property in Gracanica (Kontakt plus radio, Slobodno Srpski)

The Director of the Institute for the promotion of inter-ethnic relations Fatmir Sheholli says that the initiative of correcting the borders as a solution to the conflict between Belgrade and Pristina and the normalization of relations is still ongoing, despite the opposition of some Kosovo parties and politicians.

Kosovo Polje accepted around 100 hectares of Gracanica’s territory (Radio KIM)

Kosovo Polje Municipal Assembly councilors accepted proposal for mutual regulation of cadastral lines between Gracanica and Kosovo Polje municipalities, affecting Preoce and Ugljare cadastral zones, Radio KIM reports today. The same decision was adopted by Gracanica Municipal Assembly councilors a month ago.

15 Kosovo Polje councilors voted pro, and 9 were against this decision.

Why Gracanica gives away 100 hectares to Kosovo Polje? (Voice of America, KIM Radio)

Gracanica Municipal Assembly made decision few weeks ago on regulating cadastral zones between Gracanica and Kosovo Polje municipalities, Voice of America reported today. The decision proposes to merge a part of Serb-majority Gracanica municipality to the Albanian-majority Kosovo Polje.

The Voice of America noted it is not fully understandable based on what and why precisely the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica made such decision.