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Vetevendosje: PDK and Belgrade intentionally delaying forming of institutions (Koha)

In a statement to the media, Vetevendosje stressed that in an effort to create parallel institutional mechanisms, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) undertook its recent step in preventing creation of new institutions. “Along with the Serb List it postponed for a week the constitutive session of the Republic of Kosovo Assembly”.

Serb List asks for postponement of tomorrow’s Assembly session (Telegrafi)

Leader of Democratic Kosovo Turk Party (KDTP), Mahir Jagcilar, said the 6+ parliamentary groups will vote tomorrow for the candidate of the Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK), Arsim Bajrami.

“We will support PDK’s candidate for Assembly Speaker. Afterwards, we will see how things develop”, said Jagcilar.

Jagcilar also said that the Serb List has requested postponement of tomorrow’s session. “They are expected to make a written request. It will then be decided whether their justification is reasonable”, he added.

Milosavljevic: The Constitutional Court will give guidance (KiM Radio)

If it turns out that Isa Mustafa was not legally elected president of the parliament, the Constitutional Court will provide further guidance, says MP Sasa Milosavljevic. "It is important that the Assembly was constituted and that the mandates are verified. The court could only decide whether the President of the Assembly was elected according to the Constitution, or not. If a decision is made that the President is not elected according to the Constitution, then they will give the exact procedure according to which MPs should be guided, "said Milosavljevic.

Limaj says Yes to broad-based government, but without PDK (Koha)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they will establish a broad-based government but without the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Coalition leaders met in Pristina today to discuss the upcoming session of the Constitutional Court on 21 August on the election of the Assembly Speaker.

Krasniqi: All depends of the ZSO statute (Akter)

While representatives of the Serbian List announce the requirements for entry into the Kosovo government and partnership in the formation of institutions, political analysts see this as a threat to the strengthening of the influence of Belgrade in Kosovo.

Establishment of the Union of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) outside of the constitutional framework for a number of analysts is a very sensitive matter. But there are those who believe that there should be a general debate on the formation of the association, according to Pristina based newspaper Tribuna.

New elections or a broad-based coalition government (RTK)

While Vetevendosje’s terms seem to be unacceptable for the opposition bloc, the Serbian List is expected to get a key role in the forming of the new government. Political analysts in Pristina believe that Kosovo will not have strong institutions if any of the political parties try to form the government while relying on the votes of the Serbian List. They also argue that if a broad-based coalition government is not formed, Kosovo should go to new national elections.

Troubles with Thaci, all rely on Serbs (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade - Political analysts from Belgrade and Pristina, Dusan Janjic and Fatmir Sheholi agree that the report of the Head of a special team to investigate allegations of human organ trafficking Clint Williamson, although did not announce the names of the responsible, is going to speed up the solution of post-election political crisis in Pristina and the formation of new Kosovo government.