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Jaksic: Reforms more difficult than Kosovo (FoNet, Danas)

Serbia would easier resolve the Kosovo issue, than to truly reform and harmonize itself with European liberal values, a journalist and foreign policy commentator, Bosko Jaksic told FoNet news agency, adding that Vojislav Seselj is one of Serbia’s EU “progress measure”.

Jaksic pointed out to “a paradox situation” in which the EU over the last months after “selfish insistence on Kosovo,” “thanks to Russians” increased its interest for other spheres as well.

Kosovo and Interpol: Blockade of Pristina with the support of Russia (Vecernje Novosti)

Today's edition of the Vecernje Novosti daily reports that Serbia has already begun diplomatic activities before the General Assembly of Interpol, which will be held in November in the United Arab Emirates. The activities are aimed at preventing Kosovo's admission to that organization, and as the daily reports, Moscow is the main partner of Belgrade. Moscow will lobby in Lyon, at the headquarters of this organization, for Kosovo not to be found on the final agenda of the Assembly, to be determined in autumn.

Djuric receives "friendly and brotherly support" in Moscow (B92)

Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric met in Moscow on Wednesday with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Grushko.

Djuric briefed Grushko on the situation in Kosovo and efforts to find a compromise in the dialogue with Pristina in a peaceful manner, saying afterwards that he received "friendly and brotherly support for Serbia's independent domestic and foreign policy, as well as regarding Kosovo and all other matters significant for our country."

Serwer: USA expects Kosovo recognition, Germany full normalization and Russia destabilization (Blic)

Washington supports independent and sovereign Kosovo within existing borders, and EU mediation in resolving the issues. However, in order to strengthen Kosovo sovereignty, USA wants Kosovo to join the UN, and when conditions are met an EU as well.

This is according to American expert for the Balkans, Daniel Serwer. He further told Blic daily Washington wants full normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, which implies mutual recognitions and the exchange of ambassadors.

Lavrov to Dacic: Russia will defend legitimate interests of Serbia (Politika, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Russia is ready to provide Serbian partners with support in defending legitimate national interests in relation to Kosovo, primarily in international structures, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a letter to Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic, reports Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

Russia to lodge UN demarche over Kosovo incidents – daily (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

All diplomatic representatives of Russia have been instructed to express their concern over the recent events in Kosovo.

Daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, adding that Russian diplomats have been instructed to point out to the failures of KFOR and EULEX - the NATO and EU missions in Kosovo - as well as to the violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 - all with the aim of "reinforcing Belgrade's position."

Serbia's president seeks Putin's advice on Kosovo crisis (Associated Press, ABC News)

Serbia's president asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for advice Wednesday on how to counter Kosovo's "violence and aggression" against Serbs — a development that could complicate Western attempts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in the Balkans.

Aleksandar Vucic's office said in a statement that he informed Putin about the "brutal attack" by Kosovo police on Monday against a senior Serb official who was arrested and expelled after entering the country without an official permit.

Moscow and Washington react to events in Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Russia and the US have both reacted to Monday's incidents in Mitrovica North and the arrest of Serbian official Marko Djuric.

Both countries have condemned these events, Tanjug reports today.

Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs "resolutely condemned" the incident in Mitrovica North, saying it was aimed at "intimidating all Kosovo Serbs."

Serbia has received ultimatum on Kosovo - media reports (B92)

Serbia has received an ultimatum - "to recognize Kosovo in exchange for the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)."

At least that's what the press is reporting this Thursday, Prva TV said.

According to the media, the Serbian president "received such an offer" from diplomats in Berlin, Paris, London, and Washington - while this has been "confirmed to him" these last days during the meetings in New York City.