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Apostolova: Initiative to abolish special court, dangerous and unprecedented (Kallxo/Zeri)

Kallxo reports that European Union considers the initiative for repealing the specialist chambers to be “dangerous” while the head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, said such a move would undermine Kosovo’s credibility. “Abrogation of Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecution Office would be a dangerous move undermining rule of law and credibility of Kosovo as EU partner. I call on political leaders to put national interest first and work for the common good and further European integration,” Apostolova wrote in a Twitter post.

Isufi: We have evidence showing Cakorr was part of Kosovo (Zeri)

Member of the Kosovo government’s commission for border demarcation with Montenegro said they have secured evidence showing that the disputed are of Cakorr was under Kosovo’s administration. “There are two border lines, one cadastral and the other administrative. Kosovo has administered this part of the territory and Montenegro never questioned this practice,” Isufi said.

Vetevendosje’s Haxhiu: Haradinaj broke the law by increasing his own salary (Zeri)

Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, said Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, broke the law by deciding to increase his own salary as well as those of his cabinet. Citing Kosovo’s Criminal Code, Haxhiu said she would send the case to the anti-corruption agency. “Article 424 of the Criminal Code forbids an official person from deciding on an issues in which he or she has a direct financial interest,” Haxhiu said.

Haradinaj government to “reinvent the wheel” (Zeri)

The paper’s editor, Lavdim Hamidi, writes in an opinion piece that while a government run by Ramush Haradinaj could last more than his 100 days in office in 2004 when he was forced to resign to face war crimes allegations in The Hague, it is unlikely to endure a four-year mandate in the present situation where the opposition parties have almost the same number of votes as the ruling coalition.


Makolli: AKR is not in discussions with PAN (Zeri)

Vesel Makolli, general secretary of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), told the paper that his party supports eventual agreement between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Vetevendosje movement. “We are not in discussions with PAN. We are in discussions with our coalition. We had a meeting between Isa Mustafa and Albin Kurti and we in AKR support continuance of these discussions. Things between LDK and Vetevendosje have moved a bit in a positive way. It is expected to reach something; it appears that after this meeting they have overcome recent grudges.

UNMIK Headlines 15 August

• LAA’s initiative does not “heal” political stalemate (Koha)
• Hoxhaj: Ideas to change the borders, dangerous (Zeri)
• PAN to participate in consultations but not at the session (Zeri)
• EU requests constitution of the Assembly (RTK, Epoka)
• Konjufca: LDK rejected Kurti’s invitation for coalition (Radio Dukagjini)
• Revitalisation of Mitrovica bridge, uncompleted (Klan Kosova)
• Pacolli: PAN is violating the Constitution (Klan Kosova)

Pence: Kosovo to join NATO (Zeri/RTK)

The U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said that his country want to see Kosovo part of NATO. Kosovo will very soon join NATO. He said the U.S. will be engaged in eliminating all obstacles for Kosovo becoming full-fledged member of the Adriatic Charter and NATO. “The U.S. continues to support dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for normalization of relations and good neighbourhood”, Pence said in Podgorica where he is attending the U.S.-Adriatic Charter summit.

Hoxhaj: I hope Serbian List will join PAN in forming new government (Zeri)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) deputy leader, Enver Hoxhaj, said PAN coalition will have enough votes to form the new government and that he hoped the Serbian List would join it.  “We will have sufficient number to elect Assembly Speaker and our preferred choice is Kadri Veseli”, Hoxhaj said. “We are the parliamentary majority and we have the right to propose the speaker of the Assembly and the nominee to form the government”, he added.

Dacic: Kosovo will not become UNESCO member, but it will join Interpol (Danas, Zeri)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, said that the situation with Kosovo’s membership at Interpol is more complicated than UNESCO membership. It is clear that Kosovo does not have more than two thirds of votes for UNESCO membership,” he said.

He added that he would meet on Friday with Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic, to discuss Kosovo’s membership at Interpol, being that the problem stands on jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.