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Lekaj optimistic that MPs will agree on visa liberalisation declaration (Indeksonline)

The Kosovo Assembly’s foreign affairs committee will meet today at 15:00 to discuss the final version of the declaration on visa liberalisation for Kosovo that will be sent to the European Union. Pal Lekaj, head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, said this is a good opportunity to convince the EU that the demarcation with Montenegro should be concluded with political and peaceful means. “The process of demarcation should in no way ruin our good relations with Montenegro,” Lekaj said.

AAK’s Lekaj challenges PM Mustafa over Stojanovic’s visit to Brussels (Telegrafi)

The head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Pal Lekaj, has penned an open letter to Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, asking him to provide clarifications over his Deputy Branimir Stojanovic’s trip to Brussels where he is reportedly lobbying against Kosovo Assembly’s law on Trepca mining complex. Lekaj asked Mustafa on whether he is informed about Stojanovic’s trip and on who is funding his lobbying efforts. “Are you informed with your coalition partner’s agenda? Do you oversee where and why your deputies travel”, Lekaj asks.

Nitaj: Even if Serbian List leaves, AAK not interested to enter coalition (Gazeta Express)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) spokesperson, Muharrem Nitaj, told the news site that even if the Serbian List leaves the ruling-coalition, the AAK will not accept any possible invitations to enter this coalition. However, Nitaj said “the current government has failed and the AAK cannot be part of it.” He stressed that AAK has no conditions in order to become part of the government. “It is not a matter of conditions, but concept. The only solution is to agree about early elections.

AAK and NISMA: We won’t make compromises that damage the country (Indeksonline)

Opposition parties in Kosovo have not welcomed the government’s request to change their position on the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, the news website reports. The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said today they were not willing to make any compromise that damages the country. AAK deputy leader, Ahmet Isufi, said the government needs to dismiss the committee that worked on the border delineation and to resume negotiations with Montenegro. “The government committee made mistakes in their work.

Haradinaj: Border demarcation and Association of Serb-majority municipalities can cause permanent damage to Kosovo (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said in an interview for the news website, that the border demarcation with Montenegro must be concluded in order to move forward with Kosovo’s development and not have delays on other issues. “Demarcation is an open issue and it needs to be closed. The Alliance [for the Future of Kosovo] and the Initiative for Kosovo, want the current agreement to be annulled and for a proper solution to be found,” he said.

Arifi: Thaçi and Mustafa are committing collective deceit with visas (Lajmi)

Head of the Pristina branch of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Avni Arifi, assessed that the debate with the people of Kosovo that they would move freely without visas, is a debate to keep alive government’s collective deceit. He called Mustafa and Thaçi deceivers, saying that both of them deceived Kosovo with visa liberalisation. “I am sorry to use these words but Thaçi has deceived Kosovo since 2010 when he used to say that he has received guarantees from the most senior levels at the EU that the EU will not be late.

The sold and rotten souls should not dare sell Kosovo (Indeksonline)

The announced press conference by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) has just started. NISMA leader Fatmir Limaj said that they are against the current version of demarcation. “The coalition could not reach consensus during the last ten months. AAK and NISMA appeal on the MPs to overcome party stereotypes, convictions and be at the level of their duty.” According to him, MPs should act tomorrow in accordance with their oath.

AAK: We expect further details from the police regarding the arrests of Vetëvendosje activists (

Kosovo Police arrested today six Vetëvendosje activists for possessing arms in their houses. The Spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Muharrem Nitaj said that they do not possess information on what happened and added that it is very difficult for them to make an assessment regarding the arrests.

Brahimaj: Coalition does not have the votes, the session will be postponed (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Lahi Brahimaj, said that the 1 September Assembly session on the Agreement for the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro, will be postponed for another date because the coalition government does not have sufficient number of votes.  He said that many MPs from the coalition government have already announced that they would not vote the current version of demarcation.